Daffodil Tour - March 30, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in voilk •  3 months ago

    East of Steps - daffs open crop March 2024.jpg

    We got enough sun on Friday afternoon that the daffodils started to open. On Saturday many were full open and the ones on the right side of the front steps looked so nice. This is the East of Steps garden and the front 2 are called ‘Tweety Bird’, a very early daffodil. Not sure what the back ones are.

    West of Steps - daffs not quite crop March 2024.jpg

    Six feet west, on the other side of the steps in the West of Steps garden, they weren’t quite open yet. Micro climates make all the difference.

    West of Steps - daffs not quite2 crop March 2024.jpg

    When they do open, they will be lovely!

    South - Daffs 9, 10, 11 crop March 2024.jpg

    These in the South garden have been open for 2 weeks through snow and rain and are still just as pretty.

    South - grape hyacinths, chiondoxa volun crop March 2024.jpg

    In the South garden, closer to the front porch, the grape hyacinths have lots of flowerstalks and buds. In front of them, there’s a little Chiondoxa volunteer.

    South - tulip bud crop March 2024.jpg

    Same garden, but alongside the porch, the tulips have buds. It’s been so windy the soil has blown into the leaves.

    First Fence - daffs open crop March 2024.jpg

    In the First Fence garden by the walkway, the daffodils have opened. These are called ‘Ice Follies’.

    South Herb - daffs open crop March 2024.jpg

    At the west end of the South Herb garden, the daffodils have started to open. These are more ‘Tweety Bird’.

    East Shed - chiondoxa and Tweety Bird daff crop March 2024.jpg

    In the East Shed garden, another ‘Tweety Bird’ has opened between the Chiondoxa forbesii ‘Blue Giant’.

    East Shed - daff and buds crop March 2024.jpg

    In the middle, I think these are more ‘Ice Follies’.

    East Shed - daffs north end crop March 2024.jpg

    At the north end, more ‘Tweety Bird’ and some in the little garden are opening.

    Azalea - daffs crop March 2024.jpg

    This daffodil volunteer appeared under the back porch steps a couple years ago, and now it’s flowering.

    New South - daffs open crop March 2024.jpg

    The daffodils in the New South garden are opening.

    New South - daffs open2 crop March 2024.jpg

    If they all get going and the tulips (some of which have buds) open, it should be really pretty by mid April.

    So it’s really looking like spring here. Lots of the forsythias have bloomed and the magnolia buds are very swollen. My favorite time of year!

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