How To Improve Your Drawing Skills (Tips for Beginners by a Beginner)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi Hive!

    Today I will be sharing what I've learnt in the past three months of getting back into drawing and attempting to get better at it.
    Just some practical tips and tricks that helped me improve. The kind of stuff you don't find in your usual tutorials.

    Somewhere, I heard/read that portraits can be the most challenging to get right, which is why I chose to do one for my most recent drawing. (I also really enjoy drawing people's faces!)

    This drawing is obviously far from perfect, but it is quite an improvement over my first attempt, which can be found here:

    For reference, it was this:

    Okay, so it wasn't the worst first attempt... but it certainly wasn't very good... more of an aggressive attack on the paper than a drawing... but it did motivate me to get better!

    So, in no particular order, here are the tips/ tricks and things to keep in mind that helped me get a little bit better (I do still have a lot to learn, but hopefully it'll be useful to someone else)

    1. Shut up, you CAN learn to draw!

    One of my biggest issues is that horrible little voice in my head telling me a million different reasons why I cannot draw the way I want. So the most important tip is to tell it to shut up whenever it pops up.

    1. Take it slow, Take breaks

    Taking a break whenever you start to rush or when things start to look 'not quite right' can make a huge difference! Even just stepping away for five minutes can 'refresh' your eyes and help you get that tricky detail right.

    1. It's about the process

    Feeling like rushing through just because you want to finish the drawing? DON'T! Keep in mind that the process is a important as the final work, spend time enjoying it. Stop and take a break when you don't.

    1. Some of your art will be crappy

    It'll happen, you'll hate some of it. Somedays your hand won't want to draw or your concept will suck. You might need to start over. Accept it. The next one will probably be better. Don't let it be the reason why you give up, ever!

    1. Understand what you're drawing!

    Whatever you are drawing, it is important to understand what it is, the shape of it, how it works, whatever. For example, when drawing faces, at least know and understand the planes of a face, and how bone and muscle affect the shape and shade of things. Reference images aren't enough, and guessing at details only leaves you with weird looking results.

    1. Practice different styles

    Sticking to just one style of drawing because you like it won't do you any favours! Try different things, have fun, challenge yourself, find your own style. It'll greatly improve your skills.

    1. Obsession is okay

    Now, usually I won't condone obsession because that's just passion gone bad. But.... I'm the case of drawing and especially for portraits, obsessing can lead to understanding what you're drawing. Stare at your subject's face for hours if you need to, obsess over the little details, the wrinkle in the corner of an eye, the shape of a nostril, whatever. Basically, study up! It'll help.

    1. Layer your shading

    This helped me so much! Start light, then keeping your touch light, shade from darkest to lightest areas, going over dark areas again and again till you have the desired effect (I'll try to do a video tutorial on this sometime)

    1. Google Lens doesn't lie!

    Nervous about showing friends and family your portrait drawing? Don't know if it resembles the subject enough? Image search it using Google lens (obviously this only works if you're drawing a person who can be googled, but practicing celebrity portraits is the best way to start drawing portraits, so give it a go) If Google Lens recognizes your drawing.... then you know it's looking okay.

    1. Choose a subject you like, and create a drawing you want to see

    Nobody wants to spend hours or days staring at a face they hate... you'll be more motivated to do it right, take your time and keep going if you actually like the person you are drawing. It is also pretty exciting and satisfying when you get it right because now you'll have a cool thing, it'll be all yours and you'll have made it. You can say "I did that!" which is great.

    I know this is a bit long winded, but I hope it helps someone out there! (Also had to write this post on my phone so please forgive the lack of polishing!)

    Well, that's it!

    Till next time!

    Credit - All photos, thoughts and drawings are my own.

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