in voilk •  5 months ago

    Everyone wishes to live a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle but unfortunately, not all of us can achieve that as many are not born into rich homes/families which makes us experience tough times and have to work harder to become better. These tough times shape us into becoming stronger individuals.

    This experience will either break us or help us grow stronger to withstand every challenge life throws at us speaking from experience I was not born into a wealthy home nor were my parent rich but tough periods sent me out of my comfort zone because I didn’t want to end up living a miserable life.


    After I graduated from high school I was supposed to register for my joint admission and matriculation board popularly known as jamb but I couldn’t because I could not afford the fees which were as low as 7,000 naira, for my parents not to feel bad I told them I’m not prepared and I ensure them I’ll seat for it the year after. I was forced to accept any job offer to lift the burden off my parent a bit.

    The first job offer I got and almost every Lagos young boys and ladies are familiar with it, is called service boys/girls. The job requires few young boys or girls to serve meals at parties and we are been paid as little as 2000-2,500 but unfortunately, when I get back from the job I’ll end up using my pay to get drugs because the work is so stressful and exhausting so I stopped. Went on the lookout for another job and I saw an application where it was written that a baker was needed.

    I’m a food lover and I love to spend time in the kitchen so I decided to accept the offer. After undergoing a two weeks training I can start working and I was told I’d be paid 15,000 naira well, that would be my first ever salary so it was fair enough not knowing the kind of work I was putting my head into.


    When my boss knew I understood the job well and I could work alone he left me to do all the jobs including mixing a bag of flour every day and also I forgot to add that it’s an overnight baking, after a few weeks to this job I was already so lean because I lose my appetite due to overtime job and stress plus I prefer to sleep than to eat so as to satisfy the overnight sleep deprivation.

    While on this job I saw an opportunity to learn how to make Shawarma but I didn’t want to lose the current job I’m in so I had to do both as time went on I couldn’t cope so I had to drop baking to focus on shawarma so that you know I didn’t pay to learn so I wasn’t paid for working for 3 months so I left. Meanwhile, I was already so good at the skill and I ended up working as a shawarma attendant in a club for three years.

    After the fourth year of my SSCE completion, I still hadn’t sit for my jamb but at the end of the day, I had gathered enough skills, resilience, and determination to run my own business even better than the people I met in the business. After a successful year of running my business, I finally decided to go back to school and currently, I’m a student studying computer science.

    Tough times taught me how to be a man, and how to be stronger. Tough times also built my character and my empathy because a lot of people are also going through the same thing.

    Thank you for stopping by my page. Bye!.

    Feel free to connect with me on
    Twitter @Adebayo46010201
    discord @xonium


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