#MyLEOGoals - Changes But Staying The Same.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    So last week was a doozy huh?

    My 'big announcement' on Wednesday that I'm changing things up a bit on a personal level.

    And with that, I'm not sure how much I'll be around starting Monday, but this was not a bad thing....In fact, it's quite good :)

    I'll be working for my church, which is a blessing in more ways that I can describe. But with this new direction in my career, time will become a premium. On top of that, I'll be on the road in the summer months pretty much every day. So committing to any kind of schedule here will just not be fair to those that were relying on me.

    However, I'm still here. And every time I get a chance to push my journey here for everyone to see, I'll take that opportunity.

    Plus, as mentioned, I'll be working with my church so expect a lot of fantastic stories on that side of things as well. So much to share and so much to be excited for.

    Of course, some of that excitement is keeping track of my journey here on chain....Specifically $LEO

    I still have my goal of reaching Apex Lion status by the end of the year, and doing everything I can to spread the token out to creators right here on the platform. So these weekly updates are still very valuable to me, and I hope they add value to you as well...

    150,000 LEO Power

    A bit of a slower week on LEO, but still, I added quite a few to the stacks...

    150,000 - 113,769.77 = 36,230.23 left to go

    As of the time of this writing, we're anticipating the latest LEO Ads payout, so that'll add a nice chunk hopefully this week to the totals.

    The next number though, I can explain it but then the more I think about it, I'm not sure I can...

    So ya, I did a double take when I saw this because for the past few weeks, I had been doing over 13% APR on my curation efforts. Now I understand a drop, simply because last week I wasn't around as much...But that is drastic.

    It sucks because I know going forward I won't be around as much....So will this be the number I can expect week in and week out?

    Geez, I hope not lol

    No matter what, I'll be doing everything I can, like I mentioned, to spread these tokens out to as many as I can. That's the beauty of this platform, we can give these votes out to whoever we want. And if you are hanging out in Threads, I'll make sure I send some of those upvotes to you!!!

    I hope you guys have a fantastic week, and enjoy your adventures on chain!!!

    If there is any way I can help your journey here, please let me know!!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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