Dizz y la Promesa de su Padre [ESP - ENG]

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Dizz Esp.png

    ☆Imagen de fondo, sacada de Pixabay☆

    Hola ✨gente linda✨ de Hive🍯 NFTGame👾 Latino, deseo se encuentren muy bien y estén teniendo un bonito día🌤️🌷💫. Hoy vengo a compartirles mi historia📜 basada en el concurso de RisingStar⭐, les dejo el link por si gustan participar, mucha suerte a todos🍀. ¡Sin más que decir comencemos!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    Dizz ENG.png

    ☆Background image, taken from Pixabay☆

    Hello ✨beautiful people✨ of Hive🍯 NFTGame👾 Latino, I hope you are well and are having a nice day🌤️🌷💫. Today I come to share with you my story📜 based on the RisingStar⭐ contest, I leave you the link in case you want to participate, good luck🍀 to all of you. Without more to say let's start!(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。


    Dizz un chico en busca del sentido de la vida. Dizz, era un joven que no le encontraba sentido alguno a su vida desde que su padre había fallecido. Antes de que su padre muriera le había prometido que encontraría un empleo que le gustaría y del cual podría vivir de el cómodamente, lo cierto es que Dizz había dicho estás palabras para que su padre pudiera descansar en paz y feliz sabiendo que su hijo tendría un futuro exitoso, Pero ni si quiera Dizz sabía que iba a ser de su futuro ya que no tenía en claro lo que quería hacer.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    Dizz, a boy in search of the meaning of life. Dizz was a young man who had not found any meaning to his life since his father had passed away. Before his father died he had promised him that he would find a job that he would like and from which he could live comfortably, the truth is that Dizz had said these words so that his father could rest in peace and happy knowing that his son would have a successful future, but even Dizz did not know what was going to be his future because he was not clear about what he wanted to do.

    Cuando llegó el día, lastimosamente, el padre de Dizz dejo este mundo, estaba devastado porque ahora se encontraba totalmente solo en una pequeña casa a la que llamaba hogar, no tenía ninguna otra familia que no fuera su padre. Pasado un año, donde todos los días se lamentaba, lleno de desespero y sufrimiento por encontrar el sentido de su vida y un buen empleo, Dizz cayó en el alcoholismo, pasaba todas las tardes encerrado en casa tomando hasta perder la conciencia, creía que así olvidaría todos sus problemas y no tendría que pensar en la promesa que le había hecho a su padre. Ya que el se sentía un inútil consigo mismo, todo le salía mal, no se le podía ocurrir una sola cosa que hiciera bien, pero lo cierto es que si había algo que hacía bien.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    When the day came, sadly, Dizz's father left this world, he was devastated because he was now all alone in a small house he called home, he had no family other than his father. After a year, where every day he lamented, full of despair and suffering to find the meaning of his life and a good job, Dizz fell into alcoholism, he spent every evening locked up at home drinking until he lost consciousness, he believed that he would forget all his problems and would not have to think about the promise he had made to his father. Since he felt useless with himself, everything went wrong, he could not think of a single thing he did well, but the truth is that there was something he did well.

    Pasaron 2 años desde que el padre de Dizz habia fallecido y él por otra parte aún no había cumplido con su promesa, estaba tan deteriorado por culpa del alcohol que no quedaba nada de lo que solia ser antes. Un día Dizz decidió salir a comprar más bebidas, en eso que iba camino a la tienda pudo escuchar muchos maullidos que venian de un rincón cerca de la tienda. Al acercarse pudo ver a un pequeño gatito llorando dentro de una caja, no lo pensó mucho y lo llevó consigo, al llegar a la tienda pensó que tenía suficiente dinero como para comprar comida para gatos y sus bebidas, pero se topo con la sorpresa de que los ahorros que su padre había dejado ya se habían acabado todos y lo que tenía en efectivo en ese momento solo le daba para las bebidas o la comida...Dizz tenía que decidir entre su vicio y la vida de una criaturita.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    It had been 2 years since Dizz's father had passed away and he on the other hand had still not kept his promise, he was so deteriorated because of the alcohol that there was nothing left of what he used to be before. One day Dizz decided to go out to buy more drinks, on his way to the store he heard a lot of meowing coming from a corner near the store. When he got closer he could see a little kitten crying inside a box, he didn't think much about it and took it with him, when he got to the store he thought he had enough money to buy cat food and drinks, but he was surprised to find that the savings his father had left were all gone and what he had in cash at that moment was only enough for drinks or food... Dizz had to decide between his vice and the life of a little creature.

    Al llegar a casa dejo las compras en la mesa, le preparo una camita al pequeño gatito y le sirvió su comida, Dizz había preferido comprar el alimento del gatito, se sentía tan identificado con la soledad y tristeza de este gato que sabía que ambos estaban igual de solos y tristes. Ahora Dizz estaba más que consciente que tenía una responsabilidad la cuál atender, no quería fallarle también este gatito como lo hizo con su padre, por lo que al día siguiente busco un empleo en un restaurante, dónde afortunadamente lo aceptaron a pesar de su mal aspecto.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    Dizz had preferred to buy the kitten's food, he felt so identified with the loneliness and sadness of this cat that he knew that both were equally lonely and sad. Now Dizz was more than aware that he had a responsibility to take care of, he did not want to fail this kitten as he had failed his father, so the next day he looked for a job in a restaurant, where fortunately he was accepted in spite of his bad appearance.

    Pasaron los meses y le iba bastante bien a Dizz, había cobrado un poco de peso y ya no se veia tan mal después de todo, también había empezado a hacer ejercicio cuando tenía tiempo libre. Le gustaba su trabajo más que todo por la banda que había allí que siempre tocaban buena musica, le llamaba mucha la atención el piano, se preguntaba que tan inteligente había que ser para aprender a tocar el piano. Un día uno de los integrantes de la banda faltó, era el encargado del piano, y Dizz pidió permiso para intentar tocar algo de lo que había aprendido viendo en algunos tutoriales... Dizz al sentarse allí sintió como su cuerpo se sincronizaba con la música y ese piano, todo fluía tan perfectamente que no parecía un principiante.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    Months went by and Dizz was doing quite well, he had put on a little weight and didn't look so bad after all, he had also started to exercise when he had free time. He liked his job mostly because of the band that was there, they always played good music, he was very interested in the piano, he wondered how smart you had to be to learn to play the piano. One day one of the members of the band was absent, he was in charge of the piano, and Dizz asked permission to try to play some of what he had learned watching some tutorials... Dizz sat there and felt how his body synchronized with the music and that piano, everything flowed so perfectly that he didn't look like a beginner.

    Casualmente en el restaurante había un casa talento, quien se comunicó más adelante con Dizz, proponiéndole un contrato para que tocará en lugares como esos y así ganar algo extra de dinero, Dizz sin pensarlo lo acepto ya que sabia que su gato, a quien le habia puesto como nombre Abel, tendría un mejor estilo de vida que el que tenia ahora. Al mismo tiempo sin darse cuenta Dizz estaba cumpliendo con la promesa de su padre.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    By chance in the restaurant there was a talent house, who later contacted Dizz, proposing a contract for him to play in places like that and earn some extra money, Dizz without thinking accepted it since he knew that his cat, whom he had named Abel, would have a better lifestyle than the one he had now. At the same time, without realizing it, Dizz was fulfilling his father's promise.

    Dizz se hizo tan famoso por tocar el piano que pasó de ser reconocido nada más en su ciudad a todo el país, pasado de unos años había pasado a ser reconocido mundialmente... En la actualidad Dizz vive cómodamente junto a su gato, se ve feliz y contento, más aún ya que sabe que ha hecho un buen trabajo por cumplir la promesa de su padre. Pero siempre que recuerda los años que perdió estando en el alcoholismo se arrepiente una y otra vez.

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    Dizz became so famous for playing the piano that he went from being recognized only in his city to the whole country, after a few years he had become recognized worldwide... Nowadays Dizz lives comfortably with his cat, he looks happy and content, even more so because he knows he has done a good job fulfilling his father's promise. But whenever he remembers the years he wasted in alcoholism, he regrets it again and again.


    Y bueno gente esto ha sido todo por el post del día de hoy, espero les haya gustado tanto como a mí🌷💖✨, ¿Que opinan ustedes acerca de el gran progreso que tuvo Dizz en su vida? Las imágenes📸🖼️ fueron sacadas de ☆IA WOMBO☆. ¡Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí, nos vemos la próxima!(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ🍎

    ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

    And well folks this has been all for today's post, I hope you liked it as much as I did🌷💖✨, what do you think about the great progress that Dizz had in his life? Remember that the images📸🖼️ were taken from ☆IA WOMBO☆. Thank you for making it this far, see you next time!(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ🍎


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