Macro Photography Session | Whelk - Marine Molluscs

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello everybody :)

    Today i share a marine gem, a whelk conch shell.
    These objects differ from rocky gems mainly in their ability to give the observer the feeling that at some point, that inanimate thing was part of a living being.
    A whelk is a type of sea shell, usually found on tropical beaches around the world, known for their characteristic elongated spiral shape and for their vibrant and neutral colors with distinctive patterns. These shells are often collected for their beauty and are used in various cultures as amulets, adornments or even as currency in some ancient societies.
    Also play an important role in some spiritual and religious practices, being used in rituals and ceremonies in various parts of the world.

    Let me present today’s model:
    Before moving onto the result...
    • My introductory thoughts about macro photography:

    It's amazing how macros with their blurred background can result in such different images full of contrasts and textures especially with this kind of subjects.
    In the world of photography, especially macro photography, there is a universe of things available to everyone, enabling totally different and original approaches.

    Among the various possible techniques to shoot macros, this is perhaps the most affordable and effective technique for those who have a camera with removable lens.
    We can simply remove the lens and reverse the direction, and by using an inverter ring it ends up being more comfortable and facilitates the process.

    Let's now move onto the result:


    F-stop: f/2 | Exposure time: 1/800 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


    F-stop: f/2 | Exposure time: 1/600 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


    F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/900 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


    F-stop: f/2 | Exposure time: 1/800 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


    F-stop: f/2 | Exposure time: 1/600 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

    IMG_0036 copy.jpg

    F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/900 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


    F-stop: f/2 | Exposure time: 1/800 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


    F-stop: f/2 | Exposure time: 1/600 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

    To finish, i leave you with some considerations regarding these photo sessions:

    Examining miniature subjects using macro photography unveils a compelling domain where minute details acquire significant importance. Immersion in the intricacies of these diminutive objects enables the recognition of the frequently disregarded beauty within this microenvironment. Each image preserves a transitory instance, displaying the complexity concealed within the small-scale elements of nature. Macro photography's core essence resides in its capacity to elevate commonplace subjects to remarkable levels, presenting an intimate and captivating viewpoint.

    The session is closed for today.
    Hope you like it :)

    These photos weren't taken with a tripod

    Photo by @aleister
    Camera - Canon EOS 600D
    Lens - EFS 18-55mm
    Location - Portugal

    Thanks for following me and support my work!


    See you soon
    Thank you for watching

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