But what about the WAHMEN!!!!

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Yeah, I was born in the 80s. So we grew up in harmony with women. Sort of. I mean I could never figure them out because they would almost always say one thing but do the exact opposite of what they said, and they were always so cute that blaming them was nigh impossible.

    But my friends really understood them, and they were all in long term relationships before I even knew what the clitoris was, so that to me meant we were mostly in harmony. I was just the odd ball. And generally women were nice to me too.

    I've spent a good part of my life being friends with women, working in industries that are mostly filled with women, and trying to get in a relationship with women. I must admit, I kinda like women. I always have.

    But today, we seem to have gone on a weird trajectory of black and white thinking. I don't find this on hive, but it's almost everywhere I go. What do you think people say when I tell them that I run a place for men? You can see it on their faces, the panic, the hysteria, omg, I must be one of those misogynists.

    That right there, that reaction is why I decided to run somewhere for men to be men. Not because that I hate women, but because it is socially accepted these days that if you create something with men in mind then you obviously hate women.

    Which to me is quite insane in reality.

    I mean most of my life has been filled with women. I live with a women, a lot of the people I still talk to online are women, all my ex work colleagues are mostly women - I love 'em.

    But we've moved into this weird era of black and white thinking where if you're not with us then you're against us. Which to me is a bit moron-like.

    If I had a dollar for every time I've been told that I should consider starting up something for women as well because those are the ones that are particularly marginalized I wouldn't be rich, I'd be Marky rich. I'd have the general wealth the likes of Jeff Bezos.

    And well, I have no idea what it's like to be a woman. I don't really know about what women struggle with. I have no clue. Me starting something for the ladies would be short sighted and stupid. Plus, there are plenty of people doing that already.

    People that suggest men run groups for women should never be let loose running a group, that's for sure.

    This isn't a complaint either. Because I know people are people, and most people are short-sighted, stupid, bogged down by their own biases, and can't see past their own noses, so I knew what I was getting in to. I was ready for it.

    But I don't know how we got here. It must have slipped past me. Suddenly we all get along then I have my friends pop up on my messenger asking me about oppression and wondering if they've been marginalised because all the men have been keeping them down in their life.

    And it's like no, YOU have been keeping you down all your life. No-one else! The mind is a beautiful thing, but it can also be eternal torment. You can live in constant paradise 24/7, or you can live in eternal hell all the time. Sadly that choice is yours, and sometimes you've arrived there at no fault of your own, but it's now your responsibility to get yourself out of it!

    And that's why I created a place for men. Where we could challenge each other, participate and thrive!

    But, still early days for now. We'll just have to put up with @stickupboys crap gifs daily until we get busier. hah!

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