Baiardo's Master

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Lord Eaden was lying on a bench in his luxurious mansion, his eyes half open, cold drops of sweat on his skin, and his hand on his forehead. A half-eaten corpse was in his arms, and his servant Baiardo was also kneeling on the ground, looking at him with concern.
    "Master, would you like me to get you a tin drink?"

    Eaden took his hand from his forehead.
    "No, I'd better keep them for the rainy day, I'm not that bad yet. Recently, the tin seller has been selling his goods very expensively and we need our savings to get out of here."

    "Then let me go to the graveyard tonight and bring you fresh corpses."

    "Yes, but be very careful."

    Baiardo went to the cemetery that night, with his heart beating for his master, and pulled out the freshest corpses from the ground and put them in a sack to take to his master.
    "I hope he will get better by eating these. It is very hard for me to see him in this condition."

    He was about to leave the cemetery when suddenly some people rushed towards him and held his hands and feet tightly, while someone was filming him.
    "Dear viewers, you are now watching a live broadcast of the Creatures of Darkness program. This creature you see here is a corpse eater."

    The attackers tied his hands and feet with a rope tightly and one of them took the body sack that fell from Baiardo's hands on the ground during the attack and emptied its contents.
    "Oh, my God! This hideous creature has pulled the corpses out of the ground and has been carrying them away."

    Baiardo, who was scared and worried about his master, started sobbing and said:
    "Please release me, let me go."

    Another attacker took out a long nail from his bag and said to the camera:
    "It's written in the old books that if you pierce a corpse eater's body with a nail, its dormant powers will be revived and it will take on a monstrous appearance. Let's see if this technique works."

    And he drove the nail into the side of Baiardo who was still begging. Baiardo screamed in pain and blood flowed from his side. The attackers stared at him for a few moments and when they saw that nothing special was happening, one of them said:
    "Well, apparently that wasn't true, but don't despair, we are going to carry out an exciting operation on this corpse eater tonight."

    Baiardo closed his eyes and whispered:
    "Master, how are you now? If I die, who will bring these bodies to you?"

    At that moment, someone attacked the attackers and knocked each of them to the ground. Baiardo opened his eyes and saw the master standing over him with a pale face and drenched in sweat.

    Eaden untied the ropes from his servant's hands and feet and then hugged him and whispered:
    "Every thing is allright."

    Baiardo started to cry.
    "But you are trembling, master."

    Eaden gave him a reassuring smile.
    "Now I'll eat the corpses you dug out for me and I'll get better."

    He went to the corpses and started eating. Baiardo looked at him with a hopeful expression and saw that his master's cheeks reddened little by little and the drops of sweat disappeared from his face.

    "See, my dear Baiardo? I'm much better now, so don't worry."

    Tears of joy gathered in Baiardo's eyes and he went to his master and took his hand and put it on his lips and Eaden put his other hand on Baiardo's head.

    At this moment, the silver light of the moon was shining on them and created a dreamy scene.


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