Virus Outbreak

in voilk •  3 months ago

    “There has been a virus travelling rapidly among humankind. Scientists have yet to uncover the true source or a name for this virus. The signs to look out for are a deformed-looking form which differs from a real human, the urge for blood and high temperature level.
    This image
    With the little we have been able to discover, it takes a bite from the host carrying the virus to transfer such to a new host. The government urges all residents within the city to stay back home and once any weird actions are noticed with your neighbours, find the nearest shelter for survival pending the time the virus will be tamed…”

    The TV went off.

    “Dad!!” Emily called out, disheartened. “You know I love watching Mum on the news.”

    “She wouldn’t love to know you are still up by now on a rainy night. Now, get over to your room!”

    “But I want to know more about the virus,”

    Joseph moves closer to her and bends down on his toes in front of her. “Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. I’m sure when Mum comes home tomorrow morning, she’ll fill us in on everything we need to know about the virus but for now, I need you to wash up and go to bed…” Joseph was not done with what he was saying when the power went off.

    “Dad? What’s going on? Why is the power out?”

    Emily could feel her teenage heart going out. She has had this phobia for darkness ever since she was little when she couldn’t sleep and while on her way to her parent's room, she saw her cat lying dead in the dark.

    She folded her knees to her chest and buried her head in between her thighs, sobbing.

    “It’s gonna be alright, baby. I’m gonna get the power back on soon,” he tried to comfort her and the loud clap of the thunder scared her even more.

    “Baby, count to fifty and I will be back before you’re done,” Joseph reassured and she nodded her head without looking up.

    “1…2…3…” she counted.

    Joseph took two flashlights. He turned one on in the living room for Emily and held the second one with his right hand as he wore his raincoat.

    He rushed out of the main building to the powerhouse. Without any knowledge of what to do, he tried to check the tons of wires that were connected to each other. He checked the plugs and tried to do his thing but the power was still out.

    The splattering sound of the rain and the resonating sound of the thunderstorm filled his ears but none was enough to stop him from hearing his daughter's loud scream.

    “Emily!!!” he shouted, dropping the flashlight and speeding over to the main building.

    “Baby. What's wrong?” he hurdled over her as he tried to calm her.

    “Mummy…mummy…” she couldn’t form her words as she pointed in front of her.

    “Mummy is going to be fine, okay?”

    Emily shook her head negatively as she tried to form the words again. “Mummy is acting strange,” she finally said with her hand still pointed in front of her.

    Joseph’s heartbeat accelerated as he slowly turned his head around and as the lightning struck again, it flashed on her face, revealing a monstrous figure.

    Joseph froze on the spot as he had no idea on what to do. His wife, Cleopatra, cracked her neck like a maniac. Her eyes were bloodshot and the string of green veins were evident in them. A stride of blood was drooling from her lips and her hair was a mess.

    “Cleo…Cleopa…patra, baby. It’s me, Josh and your baby, Emily. What’s going on with you?” Joseph got no response but a subtle growling sound from her.

    “Daddy? What’s wrong with mummy?” Emily asked.

    “Shhh. Nothing is wrong, we just need to get out of here now.”

    “Does she have the virus now?”

    “No, no, sweetheart. Mummy is fine, we just need to…” before completing his statement, Cleo lunged at them, jumping over the table, pouncing on Joseph in particular.

    Emily screamed as she ran to a corner in the living room, blocking her ears with her hands. “You’re gonna hurt him, mum!”

    Joseph fought with her, making sure to avoid a bite from her. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he fought harder and she growled louder.

    “It’s me, baby. It’s me, your husband. Look at me!” he said softly with tears rolling down his cheeks effortlessly but she seemed to have gotten stronger.

    Joseph rolled her over, pressing her face against the ground while she growled and struggled to get a hold of herself. None of Joseph’s words got to her ears.

    “Look at me!!” Joseph shouted at the top of his voice and at that moment, it seemed everything was muted including her loud growl. Joseph, whose eyes were shut, slowly looked down at his wife and there he saw her lifeless body lying under him.

    He got up from above her and in denial, he walked backwards shaking his head.

    “No!! No!!!!!” he shouted.

    This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. The theme is "Local News". You can join here. This is the calendar


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