Let's Make a Collage : Free Collage

in voilk •  last month


    I couldn't wait for the next Contest, so I made this design after choosing several photos from the Lil Gallery and a basic photo of the sea, then I added some elements and transformed it into the night, where it is calm and camping.

    23tkhmQMMZ5sQhK29SmDzqAby2F8vtFzC4HQGeGtEbCmHxZn5NiEwyGeiqWXKbyCmvomB-removebg-preview (1) (1).png

    Main Image:

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @quantumg.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @alex2alex.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @redheadpei.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @agmoore.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @donroberts.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @quantumg.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @quantumg.

    LIL Preview image
    Contributed to the
    #LIL by @sachingeorge.

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