Hello There!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello There! Yes, You🥰😊🤗

    It is me Funshee, how are you doing this life thing? Has it been a smooth ride or are there some pumps on the road? Whatever it is don't worry too much, just take one day at a time.

    However, I have a few pieces of advice that might be of help.

    Live instead of just existing

    Life is hard already, don't be too hard on yourself, try to live instead of just existing. Find out what you are passionate about, and do it continuously, and never let anything come in your way for there lies your true happiness.

    Take a bit of your time each day to enjoy the Little things of life, like taking a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air, feeling it, and enjoying it. Smile a lot, it will make you beautiful and can brighten other's, hearts, ❤ ️ so smile 😊 listen to jokes sometimes and laugh, it will keep your heart healthy.

    Take a walk as much as you can, gaze at the subsets, or sunrises 🌅, and let its magical power flow through your mind, the result can be surprisingly amazing.

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    Watch the clouds and enjoy the wonders of nature.

    Sometimes, walking barefooted on the soil could help you connect to Mother Nature, and help you stay grounded.

    In whatever you do, never let yourself get caught up in a web of hate, people or things can sometimes hurt you but you have to learn the lessons, forgive, and let it go each time. Holding on to grudges will only do you no good.

    You Matter

    More importantly, love yourself, yes, because You Matter and deserve to be loved no matter what, and be kind to yourself, only then you will be able to show genuine love and kindness to others.

    Embrace your journey and who you are

    Seek out your inner self, embrace who you are, for that is your superpower, and never trade it for anything no matter what.

    Take care of your health

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    Take care of your health, our health is wealth so cherish yours as much as possible. Eat healthy, do not just feed your stomach but be cautious 🚧 of what you let into your stomach, if you eat healthy you have more chances of being healthy.

    Take care of your mind

    Treat your mind like a beautiful garden, where weeds will always try to find ways to come and hinder the growth of your beautiful flowersthoughts, always try to take the weedsnegative thoughts out, water your gardenmind, and guide the things you let in or feed it jealously.

    Have empathy

    Be kind to others simply because it is the right way to live.
    Be careful what you do to others,
    and remember karma is a ruthless bitch, whatever you put out there will always come back. So put yourself in the position of others and treat them the way you would like to be treated if the table is turned.

    The People you should seek and keep in your life

    Seek out and surround yourself with people with a positive mindset, people who want the best for you, people who are rooting for you and want to see you succeed as you do this, do not fail to work on yourself and as well become that which you seek.

    Time is a limited resource

    Spend it wisely and not spend it on things which do not matter to you

    Family is everything

    Take good care of your family, love them hard, work hard, and even play harder. Do not fail to create beautiful memories with them, in the end, they are all that will matter.

    I am not an expert when it comes to giving advice. I'm just a regular human being who is trying to enjoy this ride as much as I can, and these are some of the things I do that make my life better each day that passes by and I hope that you can at least find some of my words helpful.

    This is my response to this week's #hiveghana engagement topic. You still have a few hours left to join in the fun.

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your support, do have an amazing time at your end @funshee

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