We Got Reflected Damage But We Used Range in the Fire & Regret Ruleset

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone, how are you? With the new battle system, the battle becomes more interesting because we can see the drastic change in the SPS we earn, I got between 10-15 in Diamond 3. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Fire & Regret ruleset.

    I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

    Battle Link

    If you want to watch the Battle Link
    Video link:


    FiveAlive, up to five unit can be used.

    • Fire & Regret, all monsters have Return Fire ability.
      • When hit with a Ranged attack, Monsters with Return Fire will return reduced damage to their attacker. Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
    • firefox_kmY4Nhtuep.png Aimless ruleset, all monsters has Scattershot ability.
      • Scattershot ability, the range and magic attack will hit a random target.
    • mana cap.
    • can use elements Fire, Water, Death, and Dragon.

    My Lineup and strategy

    • Because of the Fire & Regret ruleset, if we still want to use range-type monsters we have to carefully consider whether the monsters we use can last a long time, have enough HP, or have abilities that are useful in the battle.
    • For **Aimless ** ruleset in my opinion weakens the effect of magic attacks. Usually, we have to consider if we want to use a tanker in the first position that is weak against magic. Because if the enemy is bringing lots of magic monsters and attacking our tankers simultaneously (focus fire), our units will die quickly. Therefore, this time we just need to make sure that our tanker has enough HP.
    • The Fivealive ruleset and the high mana cap of 56 in this battle increase the possibility that the enemy will use monsters with very large mana (more than 10 mana), therefore we will use monsters with the ability Giant Killer (double damage when hitting monsters with mana 10 or greater)

    This is my lineup :

    Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
    Possibilus the Wise, summoner. Has the buff of +2 HP, and gives Trample and Reach abilities to all friendly monstersWith +2 HP boost our survival capability., with this summoner Reach ability all melee units in the 2nd position now can attack the enemy in the first position. Every time our monster kills the enemy, it will immediately attack the monster behind because it has the Trample ability. In this battle, we will try to focus our attack on the enemy monster in the first position so that it dies quickly and reduces damage to our monster. The abilities possessed by this summoner are very suitable for dealing large amounts of damage to enemy units in the first position.
    Arkemis the Bear, 1st position, Attacker, Support and Defender. Has the ability Protect, Halving, Forcefield, and Enrage.We put this monster in the first position because it has a High HP and the Protect ability is a support ability that gives all friendly monsters armor of +2, when we are attacked by melee or range attack it will hit the armor first before decreasing the HP. Halving ability will make the monster we hit will decrease the damage by half (round down). This is very useful to decrease the damage of the monster who attacks us. The Forcefield is another good defense ability, it will make all monsters who have damage of 5 or more only give 1 damage to this monster, and to increase the capability as an attacker, it has an Enrage ability, if it hit by the enemy and decrease the HP it will increase the damage and speed of this monster. This monster has a high HP of 12, and although it's weaks against magic but suitable to use in this battle cause magic damage randomly attacks our unit.
    image.pngCoastal Sentry, 2nd position, Attacker and 2nd tanker. Has the ability Double Strike, and Piercing.Has very high damage. With Double Strike this monster will attack twice each round giving 5 damage each for a total of 10 damage with the Piercing ability if the attack by this monster hits the armor and destroys it, then the remaining damage will hit the HP make this monster easier to kill the enemy. Usually, this monster can attack from the first position, but because of the summoner Possibilus it can attack from 2nd position, this monster does not have a strong defense/ability, against many attackers will die quickly, so I put it behind our tanker.
    Merdaali Guardian, 3rd position, support, has the ability Tank Heal, Repair, and Strengthen.We use this monster to increase the survival of the tanker, it Heal our monster HP in the first position and restores the monster armor that has the highest damage. The Strengthen ability will increase all of the ally monster HP to +1. I put it behind our 2 tankers to make it safe from front and back attacks.
    Swamp Spitter,4th position, attacker and support, has ability Repair and Giant Killer.We use this monster because has the Repair ability, this ability will restore the monster armor that has the highest damage. I hope it can restore the armor of Bear or the Coastal Sentry. The Giant Killer ability will make Swamp Spitter do double damage when hitting the enemy who has 10 more mana cost, I believe in this battle the enemy will use it, although we will get reflected damage, but I think our armor will disable it. We put it here to defend against back attack, to protect our Merdaali Guardian from the enemy monster who can attack from behinds.
    Baakjira, 5th position, Tanker. Has the ability Void, Slow, Strengthen, and Heal.Although his monster is capable of defending against melee, ranged, and magical attacks because of the high amount of health points, along with valuable abilities such as Void (reducing magic damage by 50%), we put it behind to protect us against a monster with the Sneak ability. We need the Slow ability (reducing all enemy speed by -1), The Strengthen ability will increase the HP of all allied monsters by 1. In this battle, The Heal ability will heal some portion of HP every round. This monster will be hard to kill in this battle, especially with the aimless ruleset.

    Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

    Did your Strategy Work?

    Yes, our strategy to focus on attacking monsters in the first position is working well :

    • Using Bear which has a large HP as a tanker makes it difficult for the enemy to kill our monsters.
    • Coastal Sentry in 2nd position which has enormous damage freely reducing the armor and HP of enemy units in front.

    Even though the range of our monster Swamp Spitter doesn't play a role because our attacker in the front position is too dominant in killing enemies, we can see the power of this monster when attacking a monster with a lot of mana as seen below when Swamp Spitter attacked Runemancer Kye hitting his armor with a total of 5 which was immediately destroyed by Swamp Spitter with only 3 attacks (remember Giant killer makes this monster have damage of 6 to enemies with large mana), when the Swamp Spitter was hit by a counterattack that also only hit his armor:

    The enemy who uses magic-type monsters with very large mana Runemancer Kye and Chaos Dragon have difficulty killing our monsters because their attacks are random:

    Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

    If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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