Cybercrime Awareness About Hive: How to Recognize and Avoid Online Scams

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Nowadays cybercrime is increasing very fast and there are a lot of chances that we commit some mistake or the other due to this we fall prey to cyber crimes or you can say cybercriminals. These things are very small, but believe me, by taking advantage of these small mistakes, cybercriminals want to fool you and you do not even know, by the time you come to know, it is too late. Many of us have the habit of storing all our documents and files online. Google has become a very important part of our lives. Everyone is linked to Google in some form or the other. Many people store their photos, documents and other things in Google Drive or Mail and this is a very unsecured method. I will not always say that Google is unsecure, this would be a wrong thing, but somewhere we are short of security due to which hackers get permission from cyber criminals to extract our personal information from our accounts.

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    Many hackers also make some demands from you regarding your personal information and some hackers sell it on online websites. Many people, whether old or not, currently save their Hive passwords in Google Drive. Many people, I believe, also share that their Hive ID has probably been compromised and they are no longer able to log in. This is a very common thing nowadays because cyber crimes are increasing very fast and it has become very important to keep yourself safe, if you are even a little careless then it can prove to be terrible for you. Many people keep posting here in which they also share information about their hacking experience. In most cases, mistakes are made by us and those mistakes are so minor that we realize them later.

    If you are also coming then you should keep some things in mind so that you can keep your account safe.

    • Never click on any miscellaneous link and do not accept DMs from people you do not know.
    • Do not keep the passwords of your online websites similar, try to make them very different from each other and do not store them anywhere online. If you generate passwords, you can note them down in a copy, in this case, you will be more secure. I believe this.
    • If you use any online application like Google Drive Gmail or anything else, then you should keep two-factor authentication and other security measures in mind and keep yourself safe.
    • Keep changing your password from time to time, if for some reason you have shared your password with someone, then you will never face any problem in future.
    • There is only one rule of crypto and that is NOT YOUR KEYS NOT YOUR CRYPTO.
    • If you are not into trading or just doing it as an investment then you can store your crypto on hardware wallets which is a secure way to store your crypto.

    Hackers are becoming very smart cybercriminals. With time, as technology is developing, they are also developing and believe me, they are much smarter than normal humans because they have the Knowledge to develop software and know many other things, what is boring for normal people, they find very interesting and this is what motivates them to do all this. A lot of movies have been made on hacking but I also enjoy watching them a lot. I watched a web series a few years ago called Mr. Robot. It also shows complete hacking. The plot of the web series is very good and so is the story. It is quite good, the entire web series talks about things related to hacking and if you like movies related to hacking, then I hope you will definitely like it.



    A lot of cyber crimes keep happening around us. We keep hearing about such things in the news or from outside media, but still, we keep doing things carelessly. If you want to keep yourself safe, then you need to be very aware. So you will have to bring it, by doing this you become safer. If you want to get more information about this thing then you can just Google it, you can watch many videos related to this available on YouTube and protect yourself in the online world. Things are changing very fast and criminals also keep changing their techniques very fast, all you have to do is that you also have to learn things along with technology and protect yourself from falling prey to cyber crimes or cybercriminals. Hope you have learned something new today, thanks,

    A few useful and helpful things from hivewatchers server:




    Hive Recovery tool

    Hivewatchers discord link

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    see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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