Wednesdaywalk to Teaching Hospital

in voilk •  19 days ago

    Greetings my dear people of the #wednesdaywalk community.

    2024-06-19 21-35-39.png
    I feel so delighted to share with everyone here how my wonderful Wednesday walk went through today. As the week began, the first two days were special as we celebrated the special people of the Islamic religion who observed their Id el Kabir and these days were declared a public holiday over here. So today, Wednesday is a working day and a school day too.


    I had an appointment to go settle at my Faculty Office which is the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital. I needed to go there and have my course forms signed by my faculty officer.


    As I passed the Hospital gate, I was welcomed by some hand wash sinks that had been built since the time of the COVID-19 epidemic. These sinks were still in good function. I didn't have to use them because I knew my hands were already clean.

    While I kept on walking down to where I had my appointment, I saw several signposts, one of them was bearing a note on how to end Polio.

    Immediately after I passed this signpost I was directed by the security officer to our faculty officer's office since that was my first time going there. While I was strolling down there, I passed the hospital farm. This farm is a very large scale of land with several farm crops such as cassava, yam, and forage crops.


    While I was watching this farm and walking down, I didn't even realize that I had already reached the office. I was absorbed by the beauty of the green colors of the farm, so natural.

    When I got into the office, I saw the beautiful lady who sat as if she was already waiting for me. I arranged the forms and handed them over to her. She showed me some places to sign and later asked me to leave and return in a week to get them after signing.



    After leaving her office, I saw an opportunity to do the Wednesday walk proper. I was very conscious of every route I took because that was my first time visiting the Hospital. I just had to cram every building I passed.
    I saw several magnificent buildings.





    One of the boldly labeled buildings that I saw was the Radiography Complex.

    I also walked past the oxygen plant. I learned that this oxygen plant is the major oxygen supply to all the different oxygen dispensaries in the hospital. I didn't want to get close as the place was bound with some ropes and labeled "out of bounds".



    I love the magnificent and well-painted buildings I saw there. I also love the way the environment was very ventilated and green grasses everywhere.



    The only thing this hospital lacks and I feel needs to be worked on is relaxation points, shades where one can sit openly and have some rest and fresh air.
    I also noticed that there are some buildings still under construction.

    While still walking around, I came across the Asculapius's staff which is a symbol of medicine, a serpent-entwined rod.

    It was highly mounted in such a way any coming in could see it. These statues seemed to also serve as a round-about leading to a U-turn. I also saw new and old ambulances parked somewhere.



    Just before this U-turn is a warning sign board cautioning pedestrians to be careful while crossing the U-turn.

    From the U-turn, I could see the gate, so I decided to end my walk around the hospital there before I got lost. I was also tired so I just decided to leave and refresh myself. As a way to get myself refreshed, I visited one of the nearby bakeries, Tinaries Bakery, where I purchased a doughnut with milk spray.
    I descended on the doughnut and within seconds everything vanished, wow.



    The power of hunger, the little walk I did got me farnished.

    After this little refreshment, I boarded a tricycle back home. It was indeed a great walk on a Wednesday.
    Thanks for reading.
    All the images are mine.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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