Limping Father | Nonfiction

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The love of the father is always neglectable, kids are usually attached to their mothers and say their fathers never spent time with them. Today's story is about a father whom his son hates but he sacrifices everything for him. Let's dive into the story.

    "Father, let's go to buy ice cream" Rehan was pointing towards the ice cream truck on the other side of the road.

    "Rehan stop, Rehan" Hamza ran behind him because he was running towards the other side of the road.

    Hamza had fallen to the ground due to being hit by a car, his leg was injured badly and he was writhing in pain.

    "Take him to the hospital," One person from the Public who was surrounding him after the accident said.

    "Father, are you okay?" Rehan was sitting near him holding his hand while tears were continuously wetting his face.

    "I'm fine my love" Hamza whipped the tears of his 3-year-old son and stood up on his injured leg.

    Rehan smiled and held his father's hand, and they walked towards home.

    "What happened to your leg" A lady ran towards Hamza with her tensed voice, she was his wife.

    "Nothing just a small injury, but it's paining badly" Hamza who was holding Rehan's hand pointed towards the room as telling him to go to your room.

    "Then why are you here? Why you didn't go to the doctor first?" Hamaza's wife was continuously looking at his injury.

    "Rehan was with me, I just didn't want him to take any stress. I came home first just to drop him off, now I'm going to the doctor." Rehan who was standing while holding wall for support, now took his hand back and went towards the door.

    "Come back soon..." His wife replied and went to the kitchen again.

    "Mr. Hamza we don't want to give you any useless hope, this injury is very deep and you have to use a stick support for the rest of your life." The doctor was saying with both his hands placed on the table.

    "How is this possible, it was just a minor injury how could it turn so bad" Hamza was so tense

    "Yes it was not that bad but you made it when you walk towards your home. You put your body weight on your injured ankle and that turned worse" The Doctor was calm, and speaking with a soft tone

    "But is there zero hope to walk without any support again?" Hamza touched his leg and looked towards the doctor with hopeful eyes after questioning.

    "No" The Doctor was now reading his medical file.

    Hamza held his stick and went from the doctor's clinic.

    8 years later

    [Hamza was not very rich before his injury but after the injury he became jobless. That's why he started to drive taxis for rent. It was difficult for him to drive with one leg but still, he did this for his family and especially his son.]

    "Father, you know tomorrow we have sports day and there is a game in which all of us will participate with our fathers" Rehan was telling Hamza with excitement.

    "But I'm not able to participate with one leg," Hamza said while pointing towards his leg.

    " Father you always do the same to me, all boys bring their fathers along with them and my father... He never came." Rehan was a little loud to say this to his father.

    "Rehan try to understand, my son" Hamza was trying to console him.

    "I don't want to listen to you" Rehan shouted and went to his room

    After a few days

    "Father it's my birthday next week ." Rehan started a new conversation at the dining table.

    "Yes, I remember," Hamza said while he was busy with his food.

    "I want to through a party and invite all my friends," Rehan said while observing his father's facial expressions whether he liked the idea or not.

    "We are not rich Rehan, we won't afford such stuff. We will celebrate your birthday but on a small scale" Hamza said while he stopped eating and placed both hands on the table

    "My all friends celebrate their birthdays at 5-star hotels what if we do this too only once?" Rehan said while looking in his father's eyes.

    "Okay, we will celebrate your birthday on a large scale, you can invite all your friends," Hamza said and started eating again.

    "Thanks, Father you are the best," Rehan said with excitement and a smile on his face.

    "Why do you agree to his useless wish? He is almost 13 years old, and he is big enough to understand we won't afford such things" Hamza's wife spoke up after Rehan left the dining table.

    "I'll do overtime, I want him to get whatever he likes, after all, he is our one and only son." Hamza smiled while looking at his wife.

    "Rehan look at that limping Mickey Mouse" Rehan's friend pointed towards the Mickey Mouse walking with the stick.

    Rehan noticed the stick, his father's stick. Is that Mickey Mouse his father? Maybe yes

    "Let's go somewhere else" Rehan held his friend's arm to take him to the other side

    "But I want to tease that limping Mickey Mouse" Rehan's friend said while pointing toward Hamza.

    "Do whatever you want I'm about to leave" Rehan said and left towards another area.

    "Rehan wait, I'm coming," Rehan's friend said while running behind him.

    Hamza throws a huge birthday party for Rehan that Rehan couldn't enjoy because he knew how his dad earned that money. He started hating his father because according to him his father ruined his image by wearing such a dress.

    7 years Later

    "Father I got the visa to Canada and I have a flight next week," Rehan said after entering home.

    "But you didn't inform us about it before." Hamza was shocked by his sudden plan.

    "Father for God's sake, Please stop caring about me so much, I'm already tired" Rehan shouted at Hamza

    "Rehan, I'm your father and I raised you, how could you talk to me in such a tone" Hamza was shocked

    "I'm tired of you, what do you mean by you raised me? What you have done for me? You are just a limping person who never stands with me" Rehan was speaking without any respect

    "I always stand by your side, I have done so many things for you," Hamza said while dropping tears from his eye.

    "You made me feel ashamed in front of my friends, limping Mickey Mouse," Rehan said crossing all his limits and leaving the place.

    "I don't know why he hates me so much," Hamza said while crying and sitting on the floor

    " Hamza take care of yourself" Hamza's wife holds him and concoled him.

    Hamza was going to market when Rehan's childhood friend stopped him and took him to a tea cafe

    "Uncle I have something important to share about Rehan" Rehan's friend said with a tense voice

    "What Happened?" Hamza said with curiosity

    "Uncle, Rehan is not going to Canada he joined a gang of gangsters and he is going with them to the border," Rehan's friend said.

    "Who told you about this? My son is not like this, He will never do such things" Hamza was shocked

    "Uncle you were ill you never checked where he goes and who are his friends... He was part of that gang since he was just 16 years old and the reason why he hates you is also his friends, they put rubbish about you in Rehan's mind" Rehan's friend told him everything.

    "But what I'm able to do is he left the house last night, I don't know where he has gone," Hamza said while shedding tears from his eyes.

    "Uncle don't worry I'll find him, I'll bring him back, everything will be fine I just want you to know everything." Rehan's friend said and left the place.

    Rehan's friend called Hamza

    "Uncle, Rehan is in prison... Afghan police captured him and his gang on the border. I tried to find him a lot but I was late." Rehan's friend said on the call

    "Son, do something, find some way to take him out of that prison," Hamza said with a tense voice.

    " Uncle I'll try but I'm not able to give you any false hope. He is trapped badly." Rehan's friend said

    "Thank you, son," Hamza said and dropped the call.

    Few months later

    "Where are you going" Hamzas' wife's voice came from the kitchen.

    "To appeal to the government to do something for our son," Hamza said while wearing his shawl.

    "You went there every single day, but what's the result of what they have done yet? All these people are greedy for money and we are poor, we can't fill their pockets with money. they will never bring our son back" Hamza's wife a drop of tear falling from her left eye that she whipped.

    "Don't worry I sold this house. Now I'll give them the money to bring our son back" Hamza said and left the house.

    Hamza's wife went to the kitchen again with teary eyes

    Hamza spent all his money to bring Rehan back but failed to get him back because Rehan was killed by the Afghan government the next day when they caught him and his gang.

    Hamza's wife died with the hope that her son would hug her again and Hamza spent the rest of his life finding his son and appealing Government to at least let him see his son once.

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