# Keep fighting together - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 64 Report Card

in voilk •  last month


    Hello everyone, I am harharhar. I would like to share my last season analysis with all of you and put some comment on my performance last season

    Match Report


    Diamond Rank396
    Rating3500 - Diamond I
    Rating High3700
    Ratio (Win/Loss)1.07 (97/91)
    Longest Streak5

    I am able to just hit the Champion league in the middle of the season as Rating high with 3700, so I would be very satisfied with the performance of the season. I can still keep to have more win matches than lost matches. At the end, I stayed in Diamond I as usual.

    Rewards Report

    Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

    Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
    97✨ 77343 Glint + ⭐753.163 SPS
    Season Rewards Claimed✨ 102515 Glint
    Glint Spent✨ (0) Glint

    Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

    I tried to rent more staked SPS this season, so the earning of Glint and SPS would be a bit more than previous one. I observed that recent SPS rewards is getting less if I stayed on the same amount of staked SPS, probably worth to try to rent for more.

    🟣 Rental Report

    Expenses (inc. fees)(2745.266)
    Cancellation Refunds0.000

    The rental shown here does not take into account of rent SPS. As I get extra cost for renting more SPS, the rental is almost 4000 DEC. This season, I could have chance to get Cryptic back with reasonable rent.

    ⭐ SPS Report

    Type⭐ Amount
    Staking Rewards166.000
    Ranked Rewards as above753.163
    Brawl Rewards25.945
    Liquidity Rewards137.168
    NET SPS1082.276

    It is nice to get back over 1000 SPS as total for the last season. Staking rewards is getting more as I keep accumulating the staked SPS after the SPS rewards claim. I think I would try the same SPS rental amount later to maintain similar ranked rewards.

    Market has been very volatile recently, and SPS and DEC are not alone. We need to get strong together to make such difficult time to pass through. Lets keep fighting together and win more in the battle.

    Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
    This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
    Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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