My treasure

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In everyone's life, a mother is important because without our mothers we all can't exist in this world. I cherish my mother so much that there is nothing I can't do for her as long as I have the power and I am still alive; don't get me wrong, I am not planning to die anytime soon 😆 haha.

    When I was little there was this song we normally sing in our school when it is Mother's Day and the song goes like this, "iya ni wura iyebiye, ti akole fi owo ra..." The translation is "A mother is like gold which no one can purchase with money". And yes of course if I evaluate all that my mother has done for me it is uncountable which no one else can do starting from the day she conceived me.

    It takes a strong human to carry another human in them so in everything I do I think of my mother first because she means the whole world to me.

    When she lost her husband who was my dad, my dad's family asked her to remarry to my dad's younger brother if not they would take all my dad's property from her and that includes her children, we are about 10 in number.

    I was still little but I can't forget that night when she cried all through the night because she was confused about what to do, she had been a full housewife to my Dad and now she needed the money to take care of us but then she couldn't bring herself to marry another man.

    Very early in the morning, she woke us up and we all only took clothes we could change with and we left the house our daddy built with his hard-earned money, she ran away with us without taking anything from what her husband left for her children.

    We were in the bush for good three days without a roof over our head, without water to bath but the happiness of seeing our mother wouldn't let us think of anything. We got to the church where my dad worshipped and the pastor was kind enough to take us in even though he had no extra room to put us, so he gave us an uncompleted building to stay.

    Of course that was better than staying in the bush, my mom started working as a cook at every party she saw, and washing dishes gave her extra cash so she didn't mind doing it, along the line she started learning native nurse.

    I love my mom so much because she never quit or stopped struggling she never let go of us even when life seems hard for her, I know some mothers who left their kids just because they wanted to enjoy life but my mom would always say, "instead of her leaving us behind she would rather suffer because of us, she would rather wear rags for us to look good," tell me why I wouldn't love such mother.

    My mom means so much to me and I can't trade her for anything. When I was working in the factory there was a time when there was no sales so the factory stopped production at the end of the month I always got 8k as salary and still I never stopped giving my Mom her monthly allowance because she has sacrificed more than that for me to live, and that is how much more she means to me.

    I would rather stay hungry to take care of her because when I needed her she was there for me. I share her picture just to celebrate her and appreciate the good things.

    Although she is not on Hive but I am happy to drop this here, happy weekend Hive Learners Community.

    All the images belongs to me

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