Warhammer 40k - Battle Report: 500pts Battle Space Wolves vs Adeptus Mechanicus

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone! How was your Saturday? I hope it was great and that you got to do whatever it was that your heart desired!

    It's Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa. I went through to Sword and Board hobby shop today to have some of my Slow Grow 2024 matches. One was my April matched game and another was another player.

    But then I realized that I am two matched BEHIND on my Battle Reports, so before I can get to today's matches, I need to write up my OTHER battle reports!

    So, I had a 500pts Slow Grow game to play against Brendon, who has started an Adeptus Mechanicus army.

    So this is how it went:

    Mission and Deployment

    We got a Dawn of War Deployment with Take and Hold as the Primary mission and Chillin Rain which meant that there were no additional mission rules.

    Dawn of War is the standard side to side deployment. Becuase we were playing 500pts, the match is played on a 30" x 44" board, which is fairly small.

    Table and Hold is also the most Vanilla of missions. There is an objective in your own deployment area, 3 in No Man's Land and one in your opponent's deployment zone.

    I was playing the Horde of Blood Claws army with 2x10 Blood Claws, 5 Long Fangs and a Lieutenant.

    The Adeptus Mechanicus had:

    Tech-Priest Manipulus leading a unit of 3x Kataphron Breachers
    3x Serberys Raiders
    2x 10x Skitarii Rangers
    5x Pteraxii Sterylizors

    Brendon held his Pteraxii in reserves to come falling out of the sky while the rest of the units deployed on the table opposite me.

    Raiders on my Left flank.
    Skitarii Rangers in the centre.
    Other Skitarii and Kataphron on my right flank.

    I opposed him with Blood Claws on my Left Flank, Blood Claws in the centre and Long Fangs on the Right Flank.

    This is a Pteraxii Sterylizor by the way. Jump Infantry with flamers.

    These Skitarii Rangers looked cool holding this building.

    And here is an overview shot of the battlefield.

    The Battle

    It was just as well that I took lost of pictures of the start of the battlefield. The battle did not last long.

    I took first turn and my Long Fangs shot some of the Breachers dead.
    The Blood Claws on the Left took out the Raiders and the Blood Claws in the centre took out a unit of Rangers.

    The other unit of Rangers got caught by a unit of Blood Claws as well and were pulled apart.

    The few Breachers were caught by Lascannon fire and Blood Claws.

    I did not take a picture of it but the Pteraxii Sterylizors came down, pretty much alone, got to shoot, then shoot Overwatch and then got hacked to bits as well...

    The battle later my 3 Turns for me and 2 Turns for the Mechanicus player!

    It was over so fast.

    Space Wolves Win!

    Games played: 27
    Wins: 23
    Win Rate: 85.18%

    Thank you for reading!

    Tag List:
    @aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed

    *PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


    Hive South Africa

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