How I keep up with friends and family

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everyone am back today and I will be sharing my moments with you, The way I keep up with people around me. Ofcourse as a newbie I am more than happy to share with the hive family my experiences. A tree cannot make a forest that is a fact that cannot be debated. I am Elizabeth and I strongly believe that I derive my happiness from helping others see through their pain, That's my personality and it's likely to be liked to October born, cause am also a October born. We are charismatic and that ability helps us influence so many decisions among our peers, We can understand both side of an argument which means we are understandable

    Keeping up is a tough thing to do especially when we are not surrounded by people who truly love us and that are ready to stay with us during joy and pain. Personally keeping up with others has always defined who I amStaying in touch with family and friends is what really gives meaning to my existence. Am going to take you through my journey from my secondary school days, and how I was able to keep up with my classmates till now

    The name of my secondary school is st Peter's secondary school, an Anglican school, found in the middle belt region of Nigeria. I had a really nice time spending six years of my life at St.Peters. So my journey started when I got admitted in the year 2017 ofcourse it was an exciting experience but I was also sad cause I did not know what the future holds for me, but before I new it I started making friends and my teachers were the best, the helped me cause the constantly advice and ensured I key into it.

    I would not talk about my secondary school without talking about my Twinnie Gracy, a sister from a different mother and up till date we are always in touch. That's the reason I had to talk about my secondary school before diving into this topic in full.

    Personally this are key ways I use to keep up with my friends and family.Firstly,I always show care. This what gives me an advantage in maintaining and building up relationships, Just like I said my own happiness is to see that my family and friends are happy.Showing care is what I do unconscious without even knowing cause it part of me, every human wants to be cared for Personally this are key ways I use to keep up with my friends and familyI try my possible best to see to it that my friends are not sad, And the truth is most of the friends in my life today are actually my classmates which means we have spent so much time together isn't that amazing.
    Caring can take so many form, like checking up on my friends, sharing with them, praying with them and lots more.
    When i was recently sick my friends came around and the experience was blissful.

    love I wouldn't show care if I don't have love. Love is the centre of man existence I strongly believe, I so much love my family and friends so I cherish them, Making sure we stay together is my watch word.With my skill am able to keep up with friends and family, So as plaiting we share so many memories from this single act and make us make more memories especially now that we have graduated from secondary school.

    Thirdly the Internet.
    The world has become global and this has added a lot of advantage to me, Even when am away from my friends and family and can easily contact them using calls or social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and more. This has really helped me and gracy to compensate for the distance when am back to school ( federal university of lafia Nigeria) Not just her but also my parents and siblings, The long chats, video call and voice call has really helped in keeping in touch. Just like we have a platform for our mates, where all my classmates can interact and maintain our relationship together, furthermore whenever we meet we make sure we spend time together.We go out to eat I personally likes this part cause am really a foodie and this really gives me joy cause I believe those that eat together grow together, We dance together, Share our moments,sing together and ofcourse praying together.

    In conclusion staying together is what really matters, No matter our tight schedule we should make sure we create time for what really matters and give joy to usWe can't do this alone cause some times we feel down and we need someone to raise us up And I must say showing love and care will go a long way to keeping up. Thanks for stopping by.

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