Lucky Leon

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I see a person on a bicycle cycling down a mountain hill. The mountains are covered by fog and there are birds flying.

    I feel the bicycle rider feels happy and relaxed in his environment.

    “Rise and shine sleeping beauty” Tricia sang, drawing back the curtains and opening the windows, allowing sunlight into the bedroom. The figure on the bed turned over and burrowed beneath the duvet. Sighing to herself, Tricia walked over and dragged the duvet, causing its user to mutter something incorrigible.

    “What did you say?” she asked

    “I said, since I'm not a woman I prefer to be addressed as a prince and not as sleeping beauty” he replied

    “Okay Ralph but only if you promise to get up, shower and meet me downstairs for breakfast and our morning session of therapy” Tricia replied, flashing him a blinding smile

    “You're the only one I know who's always cheerful in the morning, I honestly don't know how you do it” Ralph said, stretching lazily on his bed

    “C’mon Ralph, deal or no deal?” Tricia asked, “Don't make me force you”.

    “Fine, you big bully, I'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes. Now would you please stop smiling? It's giving me a headache” he replied, getting out of bed and limping a bit to the bathroom.

    “It's all the alcohol you drank last night. You might just be turning into a drunk” she yelled as he shut the door to the bathroom.

    She headed down the staircase to the kitchen to prepare him a healthy protein shake and fruit slices for breakfast. Ralph Leon was a renowned professional cyclist. He had won many cycling grand tours and had a lot of endorsement deals. During one of the competitions in France, he had been hit by a careless driver while practicing. The accident had left him with a double fractured femur, a broken kneecap, spinal injuries and a dislocated shoulder.

    The orthopedic surgeons had fixed him up pretty good, but Ralph had hired Tricia to be his live-in physical therapist, he couldn't bear to spend one more day in the hospital. She had been with him for 6 months now, and he was improving rapidly except for days when he was angry and refused to work with her, which thankfully was becoming less frequent. His fans had been on her neck, they needed him back to cycling soon.

    “Okay ma'am I'm here” he announced walking down the staircase in his gym clothes.

    “Good boy, now eat up let's begin” she said, giving him a high five.

    Ralph and Tricia had become friends a few weeks after she started working for him. He discovered he was comfortable to talk to her about anything and loved the fact that she never gave up on him even when he was being stubborn. After the accident things had been rough, he had also been messed up mentally. Ralph knew his career was over because he couldn't get over the accident. Looking at his road bicycle gave him nightmares, and he wasn't sure he would ever cycle again.

    But, he was grateful to be alive and on his feet. His phone trilled just as he finished his morning therapy. The caller ID showed it was his mum, and he answered, smiling as he heard her voice.

    “How's my champ doing today?” she asked him

    “I'm great mum, everything is OK, how have you been?” Ralph replied.

    “For an old woman, I am doing fantastic, but I miss you my boy” she answered

    “I miss you too mum” he replied, smiling as an idea popped into his head. “How about I pay you a visit in 2 weeks time and spend sometime with you?”

    He grinned as his mother screamed in joy and told him she couldn't wait to see him. He ended the call and told Tricia he was going home, he'd been growing bored staying indoors in the city anyway. Ralph begged her to accompany him, and she agreed to come with him. Five days Later, they started making arrangements to travel.

    As the car rolled down the road, Ralph smiled and felt himself relaxing. Tricia was mesmerized by the surrounding scenery, the hills, and greens and clean fresh air had her smiling. She gasped as they passed a waterfall and declared that if this was her hometown, she would never leave! Ralph laughed and pointed out different birds to her as they drove by.

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    They pulled up to the house to find his mother waiting for them excitedly in the driveway.

    “Welcome you both” she said, hugging Ralph and kissing him, “and you must be Tricia” she confirmed before also engulfing her in a warm hug.

    “You look so much better, I see Tricia has been doing a wonderful job!” she exclaimed, ushering them into the house.

    “Thank you, Mrs. Leon” Tricia replied happily

    “Please call me Emily, and Ralph show Tricia to the guest room” she replied.

    The days after their arrival were blissful, they continued the therapy with renewed vigor and took walks around town, mostly in the mornings or evenings. His mother fed them to stupor, which was Tricia's favorite part apart from the views. Ralph's childhood friends and relations also came to visit. Tricia had never seen him more peaceful and happy since she started his therapy.

    “You won't be needing my services anymore soon, you're completely healed. If only you would try to overcome your fear and maybe cycle again?” she told him on one of their walks. He replied by shrugging his shoulders.

    Two days after their conversation, she noticed Ralph had begun to disappear early in the mornings, he would return later in the day with vague excuses about his whereabouts. This went on for a week before his mother Emily complained to an equally worried Tricia.

    “You don't happen to know where he goes, do you?” Emily asked worriedly.

    “I don't, Emily, I think he just wants to take solitary walks, but he always goes out with a bag” Tricia replied

    “You're his closest friend now, try to find out please” she said worriedly

    Tricia waited for him to return and asked him about it. He listened to her and replied by asking her if she would like to come with him the next day.

    “Oh I would love to, I can't wait to find out your secret” she replied, relieved that he hadn't been stubborn about the issue.

    At dawn the next day, Tricia and Ralph set off, he took her to a hill trail.

    “My Dad and I used to cycle here when I was little,” he said to her

    “So you started coming here for early morning picnics?” she asked.

    He chuckled and replied, “Wait here”

    She stood admiring the beauty of nature before her. Early morning fog obscured some hills, she was startled to see someone cycling through the fog. She peered closer and let out an excited scream. It was Ralph decked in his helmet, gloves, shorts, and jersey. She was shedding tears before he got to her.

    “Seriously, Tricia, you're crying? I thought you would be happy” he said, shaking his head and laughing.

    “Of course I'm happy you moron, and they're tears of joy” she replied, “I can't wait to tell your mum. How did this happen?”

    “I guess coming home reminded me of my dad and how I started cycling. I came here one morning, then returned the next day with a bicycle. I hid it here, and I've been practicing since then” he said, omitting the part where it had taken all his will power and buckets of tears for him to get on the bicycle.

    “Wow, I'm thrilled for you. Make sure I get a glowing review, or I'll break your legs” Tricia threatened.

    “I also want to thank you for your help and support. You've been an amazing nurse, therapist and a wonderful friend” Ralph replied, hugging her.

    “Okay, champ, let's head home to celebrate your progress”. She replied.

    Their laughter echoed as they walked back to the house with the bicycle...

    Two years on and Ralph Leon was still cycling professionally and winning competitions. It turned out his career wasn't over after all. His fans had given him a nickname: Lucky Leon!

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