Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello there hive-peeps, I hope you are all doing well now. At this time I want to share with you one this wonderful battle against @kyl3 in our last brawl, rules of this battle is the theme of Battle Mage Secrets for this week " EQUALIZER Rules " where all monster had the same life count.



    Set of Rules

    Every-time I saw this rules set, one skill comes inside my mind and that's are the Leech skill. Why?? Because overtime the monster who have this skills become more un-killable. The case of this battle my enemy monsters did not even reach my Leech User Monsters. HAHAHA..

    Equalizer & Broken Arrows!
    42 Mana!
    All Splinter can be use except Life Splinters!


    Team I Build:

    My Summoner Guy, Mr.Thad Brood, negative buff receive by opponents monster " reduce health and magic attack by one "


    Tank Guy Dumacke Ork - weak as chicken in normal battle but unstoppable in Equalizer Rules, with her Retaliate and Shield Skills you can see in the replay that she really reap every guy who faced her.

    Secondary Tank Mr. Harklaw - The purpose why I added this guy on my line-up is to manage if in case theres poison users in the opponent side.


    Mr. Cabalist - with Giant Killer ability I'm thinking he can kill the Giant Bear easily of my opponent summon that guy on the field.

    Magi Boy Necrosi - Unlimited sniping shoots from the 4th spot.

    Venari Bonesmith - With leech and poison skills this guy are really pain in the ass for real.

    Life Sapper - another Leech user very effective in this kind of rules. Although in this battle Leech user became my back-ups because Dumacke Orc hold them well.

    Now Let the Battle Begin, Below I put a battle replay from my youtube channel.


    Battle Link

    Flawless victory for my team, and I don't see any weakness for this line-up. HAHA!! What do you think? Do you have any team that can defeat mine? Challenge me any time and let's try it. HAHA!!


    Join the Battle, My Referral Link


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