Urinary Tract Infection, UTI

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Urinary tract infection is a common disease. 3 out of every 25 men and 10 out of every 25 women suffer from this disease But the number of mildly affected people is much more. The chances of getting this disease also increases with age. Children can also often be affected by this disease.

    The full form of UTI is Urinary Tract Infection. This infection is caused by bacteria. Bacteria can enter the urinary tract from any source and cause an infection in the bladder. Usually, this bacteria enters the urinary tract from the skin and anus. Again, touching the urethra where there is an excess of bacteria can cause this infection. For example, using old newspapers as tissue. Or intercourse with a person with UTI can lead to infection.

    A UTI causes burning along the urinary tract. Blood may come with the urine. Light pus may come out after urination. After urinating, it may feel like there is still some urine left in the bladder. There will be a small amount of urine. Urinary pressure will be high. Urine may be cloudy and foul-smelling. There may be mild pain in the lower abdomen. All these symptoms can be seen in case of UTI. Then consult a doctor immediately.

    This infection is more common in women than in men. The urethra is located very close to the bladder in women. So bacteria quickly enter the bladder and multiply. Females are 30 times more likely to develop UTIs than males. Women do not urinate for long while traveling outside, retain urine. So then the bacteria get more benefits to grow.

    Serious problems can occur when a UTI occurs in the bladder and can spread to other parts such as the kidneys. Kidney failure may occur. However, kidney UTI is very rare. Bladder infection should be treated immediately so that it does not spread to the kidneys.

    To prevent the disease

    • Keep genitals clean
    • Keep away from bacteria or damp places
    • Have safe sex
    • Keep dirt away from genitals
    • Do not have anal sex
    • Drink more water
    • Be careful not to allow bacteria from the anus to enter the genitals

    You should go to the doctor immediately after getting a UTI. He may conduct a urine test in this case. If there are pus cells in the urine, he will start treatment. Antibiotics are usually used to treat UTIs. A course of antibiotics should never be missed. If missed, the antibiotic course may need to be completed again.

    References :


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