When you're gone - A discussion we had to have

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It's not a nice subject but one we need to talk about, my partner and I; we're not the type of couple who shies away from difficult things, discussions included, so we tackled this one head on with positive results, a clear way forward and a good feeling afterwards.

    What do I do when you're gone?

    It's a simple question and one we have covered from all relevant angles which makes sense to us. Dealing with the complexities of losing a partner can be terrible enough but when decisions need to be made while in the process of grieving what may seem like easy decisions at other times become major hurdles and that's when mistakes occur, or avoidable heartache and stress.

    Becca Macginty.JPG

    I took this image

    I won't delve into our personal situation but will go as far as saying that if one of us were to die suddenly, grief aside, the other would know what to do and how to do it - even if that's simply where to go for help to get things moving towards resolution. We have worked towards this situation and have paperwork in place, phone lists of who to contact for what and even have our funeral events planned and paid for. We have learned the hard way that failure in preparation can be a terrible burden to carry when grieving and vowed never to put the other person into that position - It's the responsible and caring thing to do.

    One area that is not covered though, an area that is quite complicated.

    When it comes to cryptocurrency I have almost no clue and that's a problem considering my partner has so much of it. This is what we were discussing as we see the need for preparation around this matter just like with our other financial and life-situations we have arranged.

    My guy explained a few things for me and we worked on a document that outlines what his current holdings are, how and where they are all connected and where passwords and other security measures can be found as well as how they're utilised; the latter all seems very complicated to me. I'll admit to it all being quite confusing but I'm clearer on it than I was before and that means we're a little more prepared should something happen.

    I know how I'm going to feel if something were to happen to my partner; I'll be broken, devastated and distraught and cryptocurrency will be the last thing on my mind. Over time it's something I'll need to face though and without some prior planning I'd have no idea where to start. We are still working on a plan to make it as easy as possible for me to deal with and have a way to go however we both feel better knowing it's something we are actively working on and are seeking viable solutions for.

    Oh, one of the things we decided to do to help me understand a little better is for me to begin my own portfolio of cryptocurrency which, I guess, has already started considering I'm on Hive; I'll be doing some buying in the weeks ahead but that's a different post so I'll leave it until then.

    - This is what I'm listening to -

    Becca 💗

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