What's Next... ?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    That was the question that popped up in my heart while I was brushing my teeth around 11pm in the night. I just fired myself from a job that takes whole of my time, energy, productivity and leaves me with little or no time at all to attend to other parts of my life.

    What led to it... ?

    On that particular morning, I had no money for transportation to my place of work, not even #500 in my account to even begin with and I reached out to my team lead to inform her about my ordeal and contemplation of not coming to work, then hell was unleashed on me. Well, to cut the long story short, I recieved a message from her in the night that I have been surcharged of #5000.

    "Ha!!" that was my involuntary response while I read the message. Then, I said to myself "if not going to work because of transport fare will make them surcharged me #5000 and am not sure if I would still go to work the following day because I have not gotten money for the following day. That means another #5,000 out #28,500 as salary." Then I concluded in my heart not to go back there anymore. So I fired myself.

    What is the nature of my job... ?


    It is an online loan company where we recover loan from customers. It is competitive in nature which means you have to out smart other agents so as to be on top of the chart. The bonus is mouth watering but it does not commensurate with the stress involved. It requires I wake up as early as 4am to begin sending messages to customers and make phone calls before I get to the office so as to keep the customers on their toes. After the close of work, I tend to struggle with other people rushing home to board a bus and coupled with the traffic in Lagos, Nigeria. It is always hectic, stressful and draining. But who am I to complain because I need the money so as to stay alive because of the economy crisis going on in Nigeria. It is expected of me to do night follow up and also attend the team meeting every single day. This is not the life i have always imagined, this is not the future i have shared with my friends while i was little but here i am now and i dont know how i got here. Sigh.

    So, what's next; this is next...


    A friend has been telling me about hive which I never took serious but I have seen this guy lived independently and has the whole time to himself and I think to myself, "I think it high time I started my hive career so that I can become the best version on my inside" This I decided to do and that is why you are reading this.

    Thank you.

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