Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 23

in voilk โ€ขย  last month

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    Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

    This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

    Click Back Button to Start At The Beginning

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    Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 23

    Dear Reader, this is not the first time I did not see it coming.

    Do you have those blind spots as well Dear Reader, that things are so close you donยดt see it.

    Up Close & Personal that is what always gets me.

    But this close and this personal is brain-blinding if you ask me.

    All I do is listen for two things, insanity or honesty and sometimes I hear both.

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    I can't sit still, I have an uncontrollable urge to move. I stand up and pace up and down through the small space, it's as if every fiber in me is about to burst.

    Then I stand still, Sei has gotten up as well and stands right in front of me.

    "Well not this, but Margarita told me about the wife's part because such personal things often remain invisible to oneself."

    โ€œAnd you're okay with that?โ€

    She stares down at her bare feet, her shoulders swiveled and what looks like a very small smile on her lips. "Yes," she says softly.

    โ€œBut,...โ€ I stammer.
    Sei puts her finger on my lips, "You may be an old man. You are an attractive old man and my attractive old man."

    "I think we should leave you two alone for a while," says Numico, half joking.

    "No, no, not at all."
    "No, no, not like that."

    "This, well this, this is just not possible. Not at all." Sometimes I stammer and then scream again, my head is a pressure cooker and I have absolutely no control over my thoughts. They come crashing down like hailstones into my brain tissue and then bounce off the walls of my skull, while I try to avoid them hitting me in the face.

    The worst part is that I know this isn't some elaborate joke, that I know what happened last time when Numico dreamed something like this.
    I think about Retsj, and that I'm not looking forward to that happening again.

    Then Sei grabs my shoulders and kisses me on the mouth, "I've been wanting to do that for a few days, but I think now is the time."

    Numico and Sion are doubled over laughing, and I can't say a word because of the shock.
    My eyes must be rolling out of their sockets.
    My jaw must be red with shame, I only dare to look at Sei again after a few seconds.

    She stares deep into my eyes, deeper than anyone has ever done. "Martio, don't worry. You are mine, for me, you belong to me. We are meant to be," is what floats through my brain. It stops raining hailstones and everything turns silent.

    Then she turns to Numico, "Don't listen in," both of them roar with laughter while my stomach has never been in such a knot.

    "Now I think we really should go," Numico says as he stands up and helps Sion.
    "We're leaving tomorrow, but we're still having dinner at my mother's, I'll let her know that you're coming too, right?"

    "Yes, definitely," it sounds happier than I've ever heard Sei.

    I'm still shaking my head, "You heard it buddy, we'll definitely come."

    It's the same bed. The same bed we've shared for eighteen moons, and yet everything is different now.
    Sei's head lies on my chest, while till a few hours ago I did everything I could to keep a respectful distance.

    Of course, I know that Sei is now of childbearing age and that, even though it is a bit early, this is the moment she starts looking for a partner.

    The tribe must remain strong, and as a woman you want to be able to see your child grow up, so as soon as fertility announces itself, a girl is ready to choose her partner.

    During my travels, I found that this works differently in many of the villages and cities.
    It is often the parents who choose the partner, especially in the cities, this is always done for personal gain, but not that of the woman.

    But it could be worse. I know that soldiers take children who are almost fertile as trophies so that they can reach fertility intact in their household and then serve as slaves in the house and bedroom.

    The idea disgusts me, but that's also because I'm already nauseous myself.

    Yes, the custom is that a young woman chooses her partner, he has the right to accept or decline. But normally a woman takes her time, seeks advice, and secretly plays games with young men from the village before making a choice.

    Not always, some girls have made their choice years in advance because they are madly in love with one of the strong young men in the group. That man, who is usually a good number of summers older, is, therefore, able to take good care of his future family.

    A good number of summers as in eight, maybe ten, not well over eighteen.

    Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

    Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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