Hive Open Mic Week #203 | Memory - Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cover) by @yisusth [ENG/SPA]

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Foto de Vlah Dumitru en Unsplash

    Best regards to this global community. I am happy to participate in the Hive Open Mic Week #203 where we explore the theme: "Memories" chosen by friend and recent featured artist in our community: @oluwadrey. Today I share with you my trumpet interpretation of "Memory", an operatic ballad from the play Cats composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Trevor Nunn. The lyrics are based on a poem by T. S. Eliot and explore themes such as nostalgia, loss and the passage of time. The main melody is nostalgic and melancholic, with an arpeggiated, ascending movement that creates a feeling of longing. It features interval jumps that add a touch of drama and emotional instability. I love its changes in tone, which contributes to the dark and melancholic atmosphere. It has a slow and fluid tempo, with a simple and repetitive rhythmic accompaniment. The version I know best is Barbra Streisand's.

    Spanish | Español (click here)

    Saludos cordiales a esta comunidad global. Me siento feliz por participar en el Hive Open Mic Semana #203 donde exploramos la temática: "Recuerdos" elegida por el amigo y artista destacado reciente de nuestra comunidad: @oluwadrey. Hoy les comparto mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Memory» una balada operística de la obra Cats compuesta por Andrew Lloyd Webber, y Trevor Nunn. La letra está basada en un poema de T. S. Eliot y explora temas como la nostalgia, la pérdida y el paso del tiempo. La melodía principal es nostálgica y melancólica, con un movimiento arpegiado, ascendente que crea una sensación de anhelo. Presenta saltos de intervalo que agregan un toque de drama e inestabilidad emocional. Me encantan sus cambios de tonalidad, lo que contribuye a la atmósfera oscura y melancólica. Tiene un tempo lento y fluido, con un acompañamiento rítmico sencillo y repetitivo. La versión que más conozco es la de Barbra Streisand.


    Foto de Mick Haupt en Unsplash

    There is a popular saying that “To remember is to live.” Memories speak of who we are, of the journey we have traveled. One of the greatest tragedies in life is forgetting everything we have experienced, whether bad or good. Sure, I understand that sometimes there are circumstances or people that we would like to see erased from our lives. However, some of those things have helped shape our character, and have allowed us to be wiser when it comes to making decisions. The lessons learned from the past become a compass that guides us in the present and future. I have learned to collect the embers of the past, but not stay in it and use it to build a more enriching present and future. Balance is key, it is necessary to move towards the future while remembering things from the past and living our present to the fullest.

    Spanish | Español (click here)

    Existe un dicho popular que dice que “Recordar es vivir”. Los recuerdos hablan de quienes somos, del trayecto que hemos recorrido. De las tragedias más grandes de la vida es olvidar todo lo que hemos vivido, sea malo o bueno. Claro, entiendo que a veces hay circunstancias o personas que nos gustarían que borrarán de nuestra vida. Sin embargo, algunas de esas cosas nos han ayudado a moldear nuestro carácter, y nos han permitido ser más sabios a la hora de tomar decisiones. Las lecciones aprendidas del pasado se convierten en una brújula que nos guía en el presente y futuro. Yo he aprendido a recoger las brasas del pasado, pero no quedarme en él y utilizarlo para construir un presente y futuro más enriquecedores. El equilibrio es clave, es necesario avanzar hacia el futuro mientras recordamos las cosas del pasado y vivimos al máximo nuestro presente.

    WhatsApp Image 2024-02-27 at 10.42.24 PM.jpeg


    Midnight, not a sound from the pavement
    Has the moon lost her memory?
    She is smiling alone
    In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet
    And the wind begins to moan

    Memory, all alone in the moonlight
    I can smile at the old days
    I was beautiful then
    I remember the time I knew what happiness was
    Let the memory live again

    Every streetlamp seems to beat
    A fatalistic warning
    Someone mutters and the streetlamp gutters
    And soon
    It will be morning

    I must wait for the sunrise
    I must think of a new life
    And I mustn't give in
    When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too
    And a new day will begin
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    Burnt-out ends of smokey days
    The stale cold smell of morning
    The street lamp dies, another night is over
    Another day is dawning

    Sunlight through the trees in summer
    Endless masquerading
    Like a flower, as the dawn is breaking
    The memory is fading

    Touch me
    It's so easy to leave me
    All alone with my memory
    Of my days in the sun
    If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is
    Look, a new day has begun

    Fuentes / Sources

    ImagesObtained in Unsplash
    Lyrics“Memory” by Andrew Lloyd Webber on Genius
    Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
    GifsCreated with EZGif
    Specific informationPBS (11).gif

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