in voilk •  4 months ago

    Light Blue Modern World Sleep Day Instagram Post.png

    Health is wealth is common saying that should never be underestimated or taken for granted in life, when it comes to matters relating to one’s health, one should never take it for granted neither should it be taken for levity, good health and healthy living is the best gift one can gift to him or herself in life, one of the mistakes we make in life as human is taking our health for granted, i am saying all this from experience, i was once the kind of person who took his health for granted, but after getting hit several times with sickness, i learnt my lesson the hard way, i was down for days and in those days i really regretted not taking good care of my health, this was when i made up my mind to never let my guard down when it comes to matters relating to my health…

    Our health should always be our first and top most priority, I realized a lot of things when i was down, and one of the things I realized was that the little things I overlooked and took for granted that made me sick, things like not washing my hands daily both before and after using the toilet or touching anything dirty, I always overlooked this and it was one of the things that made me sickness many times…

    A big shout out to my mum for everything she has been doing so far in my life, I wonder what would have happened to me while i was sick and she was not there for me every time I needed her, things could have become very ugly for me if she had not learnt some simple health tricks here and there just to keep me in shape when i was down with sickness…


    The craziest truth is that nobody is perfect, falling sick is one of the most constant things in life, even the strongest ones fall sick from time to time due to one reason or the other, even with the fact that falling sick is inevitable, we humans are sometimes the cause of our problems, we are the ones responsible for our problems in one way or the other, when it comes to sickness, there is nothing like little or big sickness, and this is because when it comes to sickness, even the most unexpected things can lead to death, which is why we have to always take very good care of our health, we need to make it our first priority at all times, we should never underestimate any sickness by calling it little, this is the best piece of advice i can give to you my audience…

    When it comes giving health tips, there are several health tips a lot of people overlook big time for one reason or the other, example of such health tips is QUALITY REST/SLEEP, this is one of the health tips majority of the people take for granted, and because of this a lot of them has been down with one or two sicknesses. So without any more delay, join me as i share the advantages of quality sleep/rest with you all…


    Less sleep/rest is one of the major causes of many sickness in the human body, the craziest fact about this whole sleep thing is that SLEEP CAN NEVER BE CHEATED, it can never be cheated for any reason because it surely do have a way of getting back at one whenever one decides to either not sleep or sleeps less…

    Over the years i have seen a lot of people crumble to sickness because of lack of quality sleep or rest, I remember my early days on the hive blockchain, i was too determined to grow that i took my health for granted by not having quality sleep nor rest, i wasn’t feeling it for some days but when nemesis caught up with me days after, I realized the importance of having a good sleep the hard way, I was down for days that I couldn’t even think well not to talk more of getting up from bed, i was sleeping like a cursed fellow, and it took me time to recover because i was far gone…

    Sleep is very important for ones body and health, healthy sleep keeps the body, soul and spirit active and healthy to perform our normal day to day activities, quality sleep helps the body and brain function properly, efficiently and effectively…

    A man would only be able to function well and actively in his daily life if he or she sleeps well and soundly, quality sleep is a natural cure to many sickness in the body and lack of it is the beginning of other sickness…


    In summary, not having enough sleep or rest can lead to MENTAL, PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL BREAKDOWN, lack of sleep can be the birth of many other sickness if care is not taken…

    In conclusion, health is wealth, we should never take our health for granted for any reason, stay healthy at all times because it only when one is healthy he or she can chase the big bag…

    NB: The above image was designed by me on canva…

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