How to make a heart warming bowl of Lamb Ribs Soup - Cooking the Romanian Style

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey guys,

    I don't know about your culinary preferences or let's say, culture or country, but here in Romania lamb soup is very often made from the beginning of spring when lamb is available. If you're a vegetarian or vegan or simply don't like lamb meat, then this recipe isn't for you.

    At times, it's hard for me to chose where to post my recipes; rather in Foodies or my own community HealtyHappyKids but I think this time I'll go with Foodies because it's something I'd like to share with you all and plus, it's a basic recipe, for all family members.


    The secret of this recipe is this one ingredient, besides the lamb: fresh lovage!

    Many Romanian soup and broth recipes have lovage in them but maybe it's not so popular in your country? Did you ever used it in some of your recipes? In a few lines, fresh green lovage is used as a herb and the seeds as a spice. And the flavour is something in between Parsley and Celery, but somehow more intense.

    The thing about Lamb Soup in Romania is that it absolutely must include lovage. It's not just a suggestion or an optional ingredient; lovage is 100% part of the dish, essential for its authentic flavor. It's a classic combination in our culinary tradition. Without lovage, the taste just isn't the same. So, if you're making Lamb Soup, Romanian version, you simply can't skip the lovage unless you really hate it. But I guess then it's not going to be a Romanian's just a lamb soup.

    Here are the Ingredients:

    These can vary from one area to another. Here in Romania, we also have several geographical regions with different culinary traditions, and not just that. Generally speaking. Anyway, the ingredients here are the ones needed to have a Lamb Soup with a Romanian taste. 😜

    • lamb ribs (but you can use other parts if you'd want)

    • one onion

    • two carrots

    • one parsnip root

    • one piece of celery root (not a whole, just a piece)

    • two potatoes

    • 1/2 cup peas

    • spring onion 1-2 (optional)

    • fresh green parsley

    • one large handful of green lovage

    • one handful of wild garlic (optional)

    • olive oil (1-2 tbsp

    • salt and pepper

    You'll also need sour cream and bread for serving.


    Cooking Instructions

    Start by adding 1-2 Tbsp olive oil into a large pot, on medium heat.
    Add all the veggies except the greens, chopped in small pieces (see the photo below) , turn the heat to medium-low and saute them for about 5-10 minutes.


    Add in the lamb ribs and saute for another 5 minutes.


    Chop your greens and add them in the pot as well. Add enough water to cover all the ingredients and let it boil on medium-low for about one hour. After that, you can add some more fresh lovage and that's it. The lamb soup is ready to be served!

    It's just the basic recipe everyone can do at home with minimum effort. And you don't need experience in the kitchen. Maybe there are more fancy recipes for this Lamb Soup but you can't fail with this simple one right here.


    Enjoy it with bread and sour cream on the side!






    I hope you're not dissappointed for how easy this recipe is.😁
    Basic ingredients and basic cooking instructions.

    Healthy, heart warming, comfort food in a bowl, ready to be enjoyed for lunch or dinner. If you're adding in the extra bread and sour cream.....that's ever better.
    There's not too much lamb meat with this recipe. The quantity of lamb it's more for the taste but you can add a bit more if you'd like.
    The lamb meat, if fresh, it's tender and soft and it has a special taste.

    Is there a traditional soup recipe in your country that's widely enjoyed? Does it have a key ingredient? I'm quite interested in hearing your thoughts and perhaps learning about the soups popular in your region!

    Take care,



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