Weekend Experiences - Bonus Summer Weekend Weather

in voilk •  15 hours ago

    Copy of sublimesunday.png

    Adventure this past weekend might be epic enough for another #WeekendExperiences post with our friend @galenkp. #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) are communities with similar stories and awesome posts.

    This post may be a little shorter than many of my other weekend adventure posts but I have a good reason.


    First things first! The Prompt!


    "Have you ever had a recurring dream, if so what was it and do you take any meaning from it? is one of the choices on https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@galenkp/weekend-engagement-topics-week-228 Dreams, to me, are just my brain entertaining itself, trying to wake me up with all the things I have to the next day, echoes of past trauma, or some great idea/story I never remember to write down.

    The recurring ones I have are of attending a college test and starting to work for a company again after having worked there before. During the college test, I realize I have not studied and most likely have a snowball's chance in hell of passing. I can't remember how it ends so maybe I pass? The job one is happiness at joining colleagues I have worked with over the years and making a fat corporate salary again. Then I immediately dread the work I have to do, know my heart isn't in it, and I am just collecting paychecks as long as I can before I am out of there.

    They tell me it is no coincidence I managed to graduate college despite all the partying we did, and I am damn glad to be running my own business in a small town.


    A Pretty Big Weekend!

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    I realized early in the week that the forecast called for sunny & 20 Celsius and it occurred to me we hadn't golfed in a while! Such a busy end to the summer with business, weekend trips another school year for the kids went by like a whirlwind. There has been frost on the ground up here so an afternoon on the course in the middle of October, especially up here in Canada, is a gift.

    This is a Par-3 with the green way up on the top there on the horizon. It is a 136-yard shot but way up hill so I opted for a 9-iron. I popped it way up, it dropped almost at the top of the hill by the shadow in the middle of the picture, and miraculously didn't roll back down that hill. A very lucky par on that hole is the prefect start to the weekend for me.



    As if golf wasn't a highlight, we had a 6-brewery tour lined up for Saturday. You heard that right. It would be rude to show up at a tap room and not have a pint so you can imagine the day I had. This is a nice wet hope pale ale made with hops just grown down the road.

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    Without too much of a spoiler, here is the last stop in an incredibly long day. You can read that tale of debauchery here https://hive.blog/beersaturday/@zekepickleman/beersaturday-6-brewery-tours-in-a-single-day


    Now I may identify as somewhere around 35 years old but that ship has sailed along with my ability to sport-crush pints in ridiculous numbers in the name of grand adventure. Though, as a self-declared #beerologist, it happens from time to time. Thusly, my #sublimesunday was close to a write off. It was a reasonable bedtime which had me unable to sleep past 9am with my brain applying stupid dreams to wake me up for my hangover. I got some small stuff done and was down for a nap again before noon.


    No matter what, my little guy needs to get his ass out in the woods on the trails running around. I may have been walking a little slower but he didn't mind. A little fresh air, hit off the 1-hitter and a bunch of water would do me good.


    After a rather relaxed end to the weekend, getting out into the bonus nice weather and catching the leaves with that much more colour in them was definitely worth it. By the time it was time for bed, I had recovered and was going to be in good shape to start out a relatively busy week the next day.



    The sun has set on another epic weekend and here is the view from the Golf Course. I have even more plans in the chamber for this weekend so I will see you next Monday.

    All Hail the Weekend Warriors!




    Have you visited 6 breweries in a single day before?

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