Suffering is the daily companion of man.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Oh, my crazy mind, think, think, give me your mind - true, but that's all. People are Ashraful Makhlukat. And by Ashraful Makhlukat, man is the best living creature on earth. As if I read somewhere: the one who loves in life is the one who serves God. Love is pure, love is innocent and love is selfless. There are thousands of people in the world who selflessly spread their love. I don't want any compensation. I don't want any exchange. But love is not limited to a boy or a girl or husband and wife. Love spreads to everyone around him.

    But on the other side of this love there is suffering or pain. But around us we see only the colors of love. Do we ever see hidden pain in people? Or try to understand the color of suffering? no no We don't like suffering. We only want to come back when we see problems. Even if I see someone's suffering, I distance myself. But in the happy moments of people in difficulties, we are in their presence. Think how selfish we are! We share the happiness of others, but we cannot find ourselves at the threshold of other people's suffering.


    There are many people in the world who have mountains of pain inside of them. But beyond their smiling faces. There are thousands of people in the world walking around with thousands of heartaches. Because there are some difficulties in people's lives that they cannot tell anyone. Or no one wants to understand his pain. Maybe others make fun of his problems. And people who get into these troubles end up in prison day after day. As termites cut down the wood, suffering enters the human body and suffocates it.

    These people, in the midst of a thousand pains and sufferings, wet their pillows with tears in the darkness of the night, night after night. And when night falls, it becomes the hour of their love. A smiling face in the daylight brings joy to everyone. In the middle of the night, with his face buried in the pillow, he shares his problems. Or count the stars in the sky. And we humans will never be able to understand the unspeakable suffering of these people. Or even if I know, I don't try to understand.


    And if you and I look for a thousand causes of such suffering, we will find nothing. Because the suffering of every person in the world is different. You can't find a thousand for all that suffering. An autobiography of their terrible life is not available. Because people who are in trouble fall in love with trouble. So, a chest with a smile on its face can withstand a blow equal to a thousand mountains. And in one moment those difficulties become a place of love and pleasure. And with thousands of difficulties he lives in this painful world for centuries and centuries. One can get lost in a world with a thousand problems. And a thousand sufferings of a lost person remain unknown.

    All those people who like to spend time with a smiling or happy face, who are surrounded by walls of pain. We are also impressed by the selfish actions of people who find it difficult to derive any joy or happiness from all these difficulties.

    Friends I am ending my post here by wishing you all good health and thanks.

    This is my own and original article.

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