Mythology of Signs and Planets: Gemini and Mercury + New Moon in Taurus on May 11th

in voilk •  9 days ago


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    Hello, everyone! Here we are again with the new edition of The Orrery. I'll continue with my series about the mythology behind the Signs of the Zodiac and their respective ruling Planets. Today, I'll discuss Gemini and Mercury.

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    The Twins and the Divine Messenger

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    Gemini has a very clear origin in Greek Mythology, inspired by the twin half-brothers Castor and Pollux. They were sons of Leda and brothers of Clytemnestra (Agamemnon's wife and killer) and Helen of Troy, but they had different fathers: Castor was the mortal son of Leda's husband, King Tyndareus of Sparta, while Pollux was the son of Zeus, who seduced Leda as a swan. They both accompanied Jason and the Argonauts to retrieve the Golden Fleece in Colchis, but Castor died in battle and Pollux pleaded with Zeus to return him to life. Zeus agreed on the condition that they'd both spend half a year in Hades and the other half in Mount Olympus.

    Gemini and the Third House of the Zodiac are ruled by Mercury, the fastest Planet of the Solar System and the Third Personal Planet of the Natal Chart, the Roman equivalent of Hermes, the Herald of the Gods, who's also Thoth, Egyptian God of Writing and Language, founder of Hermeticism. While Taurus brings awareness of the Body and its place on Earth, Gemini is the awareness of others as separate entities from oneself, and of the Dialogue that exists between these entities, therefore symbolizing Communication. Like all Air Signs, Gemini is a mental and social energy that rules Thoughts, Curiosity, Questions and Intellect; it also encompasses the relationships we have with others in our immediate vicinity and in a position of equality, thus representing Brothers and Sisters, Cousins, Close Friends and Neighbors.

    Meanwhile, Mercury is the Translator of Divine Consciousness (represented by Uranus) and the revealer of the Illusion of Duality. It also rules Virgo and the Sixth House, and its energy is quintessential for Pattern Recognition, the capacity to see relationships between seemingly disconnected things, and Short-Distance Travel. People with strong Gemini or Mercury placements in their Charts tend to be analytical, approachable, inquisitive and talkative, with strong ties to their peers and their immediate community. In shadow, this energy leads to believing and propagating falsehoods, promotes overthinking and either verbosity or secrecy. Once integrated, it provides sagacity and fluid perspective, and greatly facilitates written and verbal expression and self-study.

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    The Seeds of Newborn Sensuality

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    The coming New Moon in Taurus will take place on May 11th, pretty close to Mother's Day in most countries that observe that holiday. There, the Moon will be close to the influence of Uranus, with Venus almost making the shift toward Gemini, while Mars is at the apex of its influence in Cancer and the two Timelords, Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, continue to reconfigure civilization as we know it.

    This New Moon is telling us to put our feet back on the ground, to feel the earth between our toes and just enjoy the Presence of this world. It's telling us "Yeah, this has been a really bumpy ride, but you're still here, be kind to yourself". This is especially important with respect to our relationship with our physical selves, our bodies and senses, our sensuality. Throughout this long and grueling experience we've been traversing as a species, we've been confronted with how much our influence has affected our environment, but now we get a respite to just feel alive, replenish our strength, reconnect with pleasure and of course, as in all New Moons, to plant seeds and set down intentions for the months to come.

    So get back to basics, simplify your life, indulge physical joy with good food and drink, sexual intimacy, manual labor, sports, training and even dancing. Acknowledge and be thankful for health and company, for the wonder of this beautiful planet we inhabit, and get your batteries in tune for the much more social Gemini season, when we'll all have our fair share of talking to do.

    Remember, you materialize your reality. What do you truly want to manifest?

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