Biryani: The Most Special Cultural Cuisine In The Subcontinent

in voilk •  last month

    Hello everyone, this is my second time participating in an IndianUnited contest. Check out here. Today I am going to share my favorite cultural cuisine which is nothing but Biryani.



    One of my favorite food is Biryani. It is an traditional dish that is an important part of our culture. I saw many countries Biryani pictures, but I think It is made slightly different ways in other countries. The main reason I feel a special relation with biryani is becuase I am seeing this dish was a part of our family gatherings. I am seeing this from like when i was kid. Everytime there is some special event or Eid or anything special biryani must be cooked. And i think this is not only me but also my friends families or most of the people in our country. It is more than a food to me for this reason, it is also connected to so many of my good memories of my life. So, every time i eat biryani, I remember those memories.

    I still remember a special memory about biryani related to my childhood. So, whenever we would go to our village, my grandmother would welcome us with biryani. One eid vacation, we went to the village, but that year, she was a bit late with the cooking and we arrived early. That year i also helped my grandma cook biryani. After the cooking, then with my family we all sat down and really enjoyed it. That was so so delicious and tasty that I cannot forget it, the taste was so good. I still feel in my tongue and

    I also saw pictures on internet of other places of biryani like Hyderabadi Biryani and Lucknowi Biryani from india. Those looks so tasty too and I wish I can taste those some day. Because each biryani cooking method is different from other places. Some has more spice, some has more potatoes and some could have more ingredients. I think this difference make every one special.

    So, I think biryani is not only a simple cultural food because I feel it also bring people together for many special events. It plays and important role in weddings, festivals and other events. The laughing and conversation about it in weddings make it more special.

    In this blog, I wanted to show how a simple and ordinary cuisine like biryani can be very special when you are taking note of its effects on the different events and people gatherings. Even, little kids feels that this food is special. Thats why I think this is be the best cuisine for our subcontinent. Thank you for reading my post. Have a nice day.

    photo taken on xiaomi

    Hеy, I'm Niloy also u can call me nbats. I'm from Bangladеsh. I lovе rеading books whеnеvеr I gеt thе chancе. I’m a bookworm and a travеlеr, I likе to еxploring nеw placеs and culturеs. I also еnjoy travеling to nеw placеs and lеarning about diffеrеnt culturеs. I think еvеryonе has a uniquе story to sharе, and it's important to takе thе timе to listеn and lеarn from еach othеr.




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