Tournament and Brawl Reports - Opening Gladius Case And My Rewards for the Last 4 Days | Splinterlands

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Splinterlands Fans, I hope everything is going well in your life. I think I'm a complete Splinterlands addict, I participate in ranked battles, tournaments and Brawl and play Splinterlands almost every day and I can say that I enjoy playing it very much.






    I enjoy participating in tournaments in the Splinterlands and I participate in almost all tournaments. Frankly, I can say that playing this fascinating game is more enjoyable than the rewards I received, but of course it is great to receive SPS rewards as well.

    I shared the statistics of the last 4 tournaments I participated in above and I managed to rank high in all of them and qualify to win rewards, and I received a total of 193 SPS rewards. My rewards don't look bad at all. By the way, there was no entry fee for all the tournaments I participated in. And considering that on average more than 500 players participate in each tournament, it is not easy to get into the top ranks in these tournaments, but if you play carefully, I can say that it is not difficult to get into the top 60.

    Above are the tournaments I have participated in that have not ended yet. I try to participate all of them whenever I get the chance.


    In the last Brawl, I fought 5 battles and won 4 of them, and we came 2nd as the Dark Assassins guild. And we received 2,875 Merits and 24.591 SPS as rewards. I can say that the battles in Brawl have not been easy lately, so I think even getting into the top 3 is a great success.

    Opening Gladius Case

    It's been a long time since I've gotten a legendary card from the Gladius cases, so I don't expect a legendary card to come out anymore. Even though I couldn't get a legendary or epic card, I can say that I am satisfied with the cards I got today.

    Today I managed to upgrade my Alfredo card to level 4. A gladiator card that costs only 2 mana is very useful in low-mana battles. I can say that the gladiator card I use most in low-mana battles is Alfredo.

    Captain Katie is one of my most used gladiator cards and I only need 1 copy to level it up to level 4 and I hope to get another copy soon and level it up to level 4.

    FOCUS REWARDS (My Rewards in the Last 4 Days)

    I really enjoy being in this fascinating world and I play Splinterlands almost every day, I think I'm addicted to this game. I enjoy participating in both ranked battles, brawl and tournaments. Additionally, almost all tournaments hosted by sps.dao created by sps.tournaments are free to join, and I recommend joining them if you have time.

    I hope your rewards are amazing and I wish you all the best of luck.

    All Images Taken from Splintelands.

    Would you like to join Splinterlands? Here is my reference link

    I Love Splintelands
    Thank you for reading.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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