Thank God is really another opportunity to learn the word of God, with that, I will giving review on the caption that says about overcoming depression and anxiety which I believe with what Brother Eli, this caption has being turn in flash that has deprive a lot of people their personal joy due to the physical challenges which left them in the condition that they saw themselves today which is not pleasing in the sight of God because the plans of father is the best which is not after harming our endeavor rather to make us better children of him.
Within the following scripture, it has faith, life after now, and the need our soul has to be preserved, which are all values that surround this caption, which is a context that is mainly to enlighten and teach us what all it takes to make heaven at last through our spiritual and physical commitment. As God may have it, within this caption that is mainly to change our life for good, which has various areas that it has to uplift believers through the word of God.
As Christians, who are more Christ-like, we are expected to have all our trust in where Christ is, which has to do with our understanding of what the Bible is saying concerning how we are meant to live our lives as Christians, which are meant to be descent unto his desire, hence trust in God implies a lot that one is to be submissive and humble unto the word of God, which is the bond that connects us with God, which is filled with peace of the mind, as Philippians 4:6-7 says.
So brethren, when you make a choice and take a decision, it is very important that we make the one that will not hurt us as well, which is the reason that we have to lap with the word of God, as the book of Luke 16:21-22 has it, because when we leave the word of God and are after the worldly thing, that is when we start to deny ourselves the Kingdom of God, followed with a lot of other consequences that are all attached to it, and that is the reason we have to amend our ways of life and follow the footsteps of what the Bible wants from us.
And mind you that whatever you do here accounts for judgment at last, as Hebrew 9:27 reminded us. Once we leave here on earth, that judgment awaits us, of which everyone is accountable for how he or she has lived his or her life here on earth, which is a reason that we have to live a good life, which is quite emulating for others to learn from, as we are meant to be an example to others as Christians who understand the word of God.
So, my fellow brethren, let’s not take the earthly things here seriously as such because here is a temporary place that entails us that there is a place far better than here, hence we are to focus to achieve it, which ought to be our top priority, which is filled with eternal life without death any more as we have here on earth, which is temporary, as Ecclesiastes 9:5 and Mark 8:36, and also lets us understand that God cares for us, which is the reason that he is after our interest, so as God cares for us, so let us trust him and live a life that satisfies him as Matthew 10:29 teaches us.