A Confession of a Laundry Loather

in voilk •  3 months ago

    So guys, It's time for some real talk about the struggles we face in life. When I first saw this topic as part of the prompt for this week in the community, I immediately knew what I was going to write about since I have always had difficulty when it comes to doing that particular thing. So today, I will be opening up to you guys about something that has always been a constant battle for me and this is no other thing than doing my laundry.
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    I know you might be surprise that I mentioned laundry right? Like seriously? How can doing laundry be a problem for someone right? Please hear me out first before you crucify me and start calling me names. Now, for some reason, this task that's very simple has always been a major challenge for me. I can tackle other chores easily, but whenever it comes to washing and ironing my clothes, it because a very big problem for me.

    See, it's not that I don't understand the importance of clean clothes or even the satisfaction of having a neatly organized wardrobe because I do. But the problem is that for some reason, every time I see that overflowing laundry basket, I tend to feel this sense of laziness overshadow me.

    Trust me, I have tried all the tricks I can think of just to motivate myself but nothing has worked. I have tried setting reminders, I have tried breaking the task into smaller steps by washing the clothes bit by bit, I have even tried bribing myself with rewards. But unfortunately, no matter what I do, I always end up finding excuses to put off doing my laundry until another time.

    So why am I sharing this with you? For starters, I know quite well that I am not alone in this, and this is because I have had opportunity to talk to friends and family members who struggle with this same issue, and trust me, it's so comforting to know that I am not the only one battling with this laundry blues.

    But more importantly, I decided to share this because I am determined to overcome it. It has done more harm than good to me and I refuse to let something as simple as laundry hold me back from living my best life. So I am making a commitment, right here and now, to fight this battle with all I have.

    I have decided to set aside a particular each week to do my laundry, and I believe there won't be excuses this time around. I will do well to create a schedule and stick to it as I will find a way to treat laundry day with the same importance as any other appointment or commitment I may have. And I think I will be needing the support of friends and family members that will cheer me up along the way and hold me accountable if I end up failing to do my laundry on the selected day.

    The truth is that it won't be an easy task but I guess I am determined now to make it work. We all know that breaking habits and overcoming laziness takes time and effort but I feel I am now ready to put in the work and reclaim control over this aspect of my life. And who knows, maybe by sharing this with you guys, I might be inspiring others to tackle their own challenges and embrace positive change. Let's always remember that together, we can conquer anything life throws our way, even if it's in the form of laundry.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

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