[ESP/ENG]Un insecto llamado bachaco_An insect called bachaco

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hola queridos amigos de la comunidad de #liketu espero se encuentre bien hace unos dias estaba sentado en un parque y hay habia muchos bachacos un insecto que parese una hormiga grande, este bachaco muerde tan duro que es capas de morderte y quitarte el pedazo, ademas este insecto siempre trabajan en manada.

    Este ah sido mi publicación de hoy espero les guste me despido de todos ustedes deceandoles lo mejor.

    Hello dear friends of the #liketu community, I hope you are well. A few days ago I was sitting in a park and there were many bachacos, an insect that looks like a big ant, this bachaco bites so hard that it is capable of biting you and taking the piece off, also This insect always works in a pack.

    This has been my publication today, I hope you like it, I say goodbye to all of you, wishing you the best.





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