in voilk •  24 days ago

    Hi all 👋🏻😊

    Shall we continue our roadtrip!
    We will see lots of #SNOW, #FROZEN #ICY #LAKES… BEAUTIFUL #SUNSETS AND EVEN A #SUNRISE for this part of our journey. I show you also the AirBNB we ended up in
    This part brings us again one step closer to the final destination I headed… and the COUNTRY I MOVED TO 😉 oh the suspense hahaha 🤣

    This will be PART 7 from 11 and is part of our journey to our new home 🏡 and country 🗺️
    Where we will be “driving” ourselves to our new COUNTRY 😊 of residence. We started driving in IRELAND. For this part we will be in SWEDEN 🇸🇪

    With this post I’m joining in at the Wednesday Walk challenge and Make me Smile challenge. That are hosted by @tattoodjay and @elizacheng every week on Wednesday.

    ‼️Have a look: Here in the Wednesday Walk Community if you want to join in!… the community is run by @tattoodjay.
    Look at his last #Wednesdaywalk post.
    It will tell you also the rules of joining at the Wednesday walk posts 😁 come join us! It is fun!

    If you missed part 1, have a look here: The ferry crossing ⛴️🌊 part 1, Ireland 🇮🇪 to France 🇫🇷
    For part 2, have a look here: Mainland Europe ~ France 🇫🇷 part 2
    For part 3, have a look here: Part 3, France 🇫🇷 , Belgium 🇧🇪
    For part 4, look here: Part 4 ~ a bit further 🇳🇱 🇩🇪
    For part 5.1 take a look here: Part 5.1 we need to catch another FERRY ⛴️ 🗺️
    Part 5.2 you find here: Part 5.2 KIEL harbour ~ LET’S WALK AROUND THE FERRY ⛴️
    Part 5.3 you can read here: Part 5.3 IN THE MORNING ON THE SECOND FERRY ⛴️
    Part 6 you find here: Part 6 ~ What’s next, after we reached Göteborg Sweden 🇸🇪

    Here we goooooooo…..

    Today’s selection will be of 65 photographs.
    Date: 4 February 2024
    The Photographs in this post are all taken with my iPhone by me and the first part of the journey by hubby📱🤓

    The first half of the journey… about 2 hours… I will drive 😎 vroom vroom… so the first photos are presented to you by hubby.

    He does sneaks in some pictures taken of me driving hahaha 🤣 I didn’t notice… lol

    As we left Orebro we see suddenly more and more snow along the roadsides appearing. We are heading still north at this point 😁

    We will follow the 68 for a while… 🚗

    On the side the snow is piling up and in the fields it makes a white snow blanket… it even covers the little lakes.

    We are driving through forests with very tall pine trees and some birches on the right.

    It is stunning to see the sky is soooo bright blue. What a contrast with the white around us, don't you think.

    We are entering VÄSTMANLANDS LÄN ~ Län are the different counties of Sweden.

    When driving this far… of course we need to get once in a while to a gas station 🚗 for new fuel ⛽️
    The ground was very icy ❄️

    Diesel it is… this was a self service station.

    Rolling hills…

    Here and there we see some farms and typical Swedish houses in red timber.

    We are driving towards a little bridge and see on both sides the river / lakes completely frozen 🥶
    Such a pretty sight! 😊

    A little pier on the left.

    Entering Norberg

    We see its church in the middle as we are still driving along the road 🛣️ 68

    A statue along the road… we see it is a large figurine.

    We drove so far that we cross i to another county. This time we are entering DALARNAS LÄN

    We decided it is time for some lunch 🥗 so we drive into a little town.

    This #industrial wheel stands out.
    After lunch it is hubby’s time to drive so I can take photos again and show you the last part of this journey 😎

    We see more frozen lakes… i love views like this. Little cabins on the water edge.

    Beautiful red houses 😊

    Still following the 68 at this point.
    I see dark clouds gathering.

    Luckily no rain. There is a layer of ice next to the road. The road itself is luckily clear enough to drive 😎

    The views are just breathtakingly beautiful 🤩 can you imagine the amount of photos I take. Hahaha 🤣 I did try to reduce the amount I show for these posts. I did but less then 60 didn’t work hahaha
    I still want to tell a story…

    Entering Storvik

    I see a water tower and capture its silhouette against the bright blue sky.

    Cool bridge 🌉 with…

    … some #graffiti under neath it.

    We continue our journey…

    …driving along the E4 in the direction of SUNDSVALL 😊🚗

    A cool sign for a stop place… do you see the little #viking ?

    A lake view, I believe not fully frozen.

    Lakeside cabins 🏡

    A lcd screen with rolling images.

    I see….

    …a saab fighter jet.

    Taking a few captures…

    Its silhouette

    Big boulders… snowy boulders along the road 🛣️

    My favourite photo of the day 😊 I love the subtle colours… the beginning of the sunset 🌅

    Capturing of the rear view 😎

    Entering Hudiksvalls kommun.

    The sky is changing slowly…

    Another view of the mirror 😊

    I love the slow arriving of the sunset.

    Pink skies 😊🌅

    We are closer to Sundsvall now 😎

    Getting purple slowly

    Enjoy the change of the sunset 🌅

    A beautiful bridge, we didn’t cross. The river is still flowing.

    The village church… we are almost at our AirBNB… it was a long day driving 😊

    The path up to the cabin 😎

    Let me show you around where we stay for a couple of days to rest up and explore the area. 😊
    The living room.

    It is open plan, so next to the living room the dining room and kitchen.

    The view out over a lake 🥰

    I love this view just after sunset… it is getting dark now at 16:25 h.

    The lake across the road 😊

    Yes… this will be a nice spot for a rest 🥰

    The next morning as I got up… I see this sunrise 🌅 at 8:18h on 5 February 2024

    Morning world 👋🏻

    A few hours later, the snow is getting higher the further north we get. Luckily we have winter tires on the car 🚗

    I leave you here… until… soon 😊

    So let’s look at how far we have driven in this part.
    The km meter says now : 128.948 km, we stopped at 128.555 km in the last part.

    What means we have driven 393 km along the road🚗
    Adding the last total we get : 3,510 km in 9 days of traveling 😉 WOW…

    The route (ish) we took, I say “ish” as we always divert slightly off route as we adjust to road conditions and want to drive inland routes too… 😁

    As you can see we are way past Stockholm already.

    I hope you enjoyed this next update… I will post part 8 soon 😊as I know you all are wondering where I am 😇 I will do my best to post and finish the parts.

    … and that’s all for today’s post my friends.
    Join me next time for more #updates, #adventures, #stories and #photographs 😎👋🏻
    Even my own #artworks, once in a while, will come by” 🎨
    Thank you so much for looking, and reading.

    #ecency banner by @irisworld

    Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

    Have a great wednesday all 😎
    Grtz Jackie

    Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

    🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

    If you want to see where I traveled to and what I already shared in @worldmappin formerly @pinmapple , have a look at my personal map here: LITTLEBEE4’S personal map on WORLDMAPPIN

    #ecency image by @irisworld

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