Slice Enemies Kayle! Teamfight Tactics Set 10

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello my friends, I hope you are having a good day. We can say that we have entered the last week for TFT Set 10. The new Set will be released on March 20th, so I'm pretty excited, but at the same time, I'm still trying a few different things since I won't be able to play this set again. Today I'm going to share with you Kayle, who slices and dices the opponent!


    You can watch the gameplay video here without commentary:

    The universe of this game is Showtime. This means that headliner champions will appear in your shop based on 1 level higher. In short, at level 8, you can see a 5 gold headliner, which completely changes the game.

    I didn't want to choose any of these augments as the first augment but I have to choose one of them and I chose Support Cache. I will get a support item and I can choose it. I chose Virtue of Sacrifice because it's a powerful item that I can use in all compositions.

    When I see Kayle this early, I have only one choice. Play her as a carrier! At the beginning of the set Kayle was very weak and was never a carrier. I tried a few times but it wasn't working. Now she is very strong and loved by everyone.

    Even though I didn't have a 5 fight winning streak, I won 4 fights and I could have won the other one if I could find a few more of the champions I wanted.

    If you have a 1, 2 or 3 gold carrier, this is the best silver augment you can choose. You get a small champion duplicator and after 7 rounds you get another one. 7 rounds may seem a bit too much, but when you spend your gold, you can make Kayle 3 stars close to those rounds.

    I can say that the middle game was bad for me. At least I didn't lose too much HP. TFT players always play these rounds very hard. They have no gold and then they don't understand why they lost the game. Guess why?

    For the last augment I chose Metalheads, an indispensable augment for Pentakill compositions! Pentakill champions are immune to crowd control for the first 12 seconds of combat. They also regenerate 4% of their health when I slay an enemy. Not only that, it gives me a Kayle and a Gnar. A perfect augment, just what I need.

    Here is a great surprise! I failed to make my Assolist champion Kayle 3 stars. There's a strange curse in TFT. If you need 9 of a champion, you can never find the 9th one, and in my case I need 8 and I couldn't find the 8th one. On top of that, I'm completely out of gold. I remember what I told players who used their gold badly, but it's late in the game now and if Kayle stays at two stars, I'll die very fast.

    I had another opponent playing a Pentakill composition but I beat him easily, he was playing a Gnar carrier. I think that composition is also strong but you need to be lucky. Gnar should be 3 stars early. As you can see, Kayle slices and dices the opponents and deals 2 times the damage of the enemy carrier!

    Kayle is of course the carrier of the composition and his best items are Guinsoo's Rageblade and Hextech Gunblade. You get the 3rd item by activating the superfan trait. The power burst of the composition happens when Kayle is 3 stars and you reach level 7. You need 3 superfans, 3 Edgelords, 5 Pentakills and 2 Sentinels. For this you need the champions Kayle, Gnar, Mordekaiser, Karthus, Viego, Kennen and Lillia. By the way, it would be better if Kayle's soloist trait is Edgelord, so that we can activate it using only Viego.

    Our main tank is Mordekaiser, who is also our sidecar. You can choose tank items according to the opponents. Other carriers in the composition are Viego and Karthus. Depending on your items, you can decide which one takes priority. Karthus if you have ability power items, Viego if you have AD items. I preferred Viego.

    I managed to win 8 rounds in a row with this composition without adding any champion. In the damage graph you can see the carriers I mentioned.

    I killed my other opponent who was playing Pentakill and I was left with Emo and Guardian. I've never seen this before and I didn't expect it to be strong, but if it made it to the last 2, it's strong.

    My opponent beat me 2 times and I almost died, and you wonder why? Because Viego didn't get 2 stars even though I spent so much gold since the beginning of the game and he insisted on not getting 2 stars. Come on, man! I can't win without you.

    The last fight was tough. At first I thought I was going to lose, but then Kayle and Viego showed their strength and I won. If I hadn't gotten 2 stars before the last round, I would have lost for sure.

    Thank you very much for reading, I hope you liked it. Make sure to play and see Kayle's power before the new set arrives, my friends! Take care and have a great day!

    Play More, Live More!

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