Fueling Minds & Friendships

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.- Helen Keller

    I’d like to believe God intentionally put some many amazing people in my life who are always adding more and more good stuff to my life. Last year, I was fortunate to meet an amazing group of people and even after we all returned to our various countries after some weeks, we still try our best to keep the bond we built during our time together.

    One of the ways we keep in touch is through zoom sessions where we have various speakers talking about different topics which suit their line of work. Yesterday, I was fortunate to be a part of this amazing meetup and trust me , I learnt a lot.

    For this discussion, we had 3 speaker and each of them spoke on a different topic. Our first speaker who is a midwife spoke about social media and how to put yourself out there. She went on to give us some tips on strategically position ourselves out there and what social media channel would suit you depending on your target market. One thing she said which I really love was ‘you can’t do anything in silence anymore, you have to shout about it.’ Basically, she was trying to tell us that we should make ourselves heard because in this era, technology can help us a lot if we make good use of it.

    Our second speaker who is a nurse by profession went on to talk about leadership and health. As a leader, your health is very important because health is wealth. He also spoke about how to keep a healthy life amidst all the hustle of our everyday life. He went ahead to talk about something and I knew if there was to be someone to be used as an example it would be me.😂 He raised a point about separating your personal life from your work life and how most of us fail in that aspect. These days, I don’t even have a life anymore. It’s just work, work and more work and it’s getting really exhausting. I learnt a few tips on how to bring my life back on track and how to balance my work and personal life at the same time.

    Our last speaker who’s a climate change advocate educated us about the effects of our everyday life activities on our planet earth. For the past few weeks, we have all been complaining about higher temperatures which is affecting our lives yet we still go on with our same old practices. What do we expect to happen when we pollute our environment to the extent that our ozone layer is depleted. He further advised us on safe practices to reduce climate change for a safer planet.

    I would say, it was a very productive meeting at the end of the day and I had an opportunity to learn while reconnecting with friends and loved ones. I hope someone was also able to learn from this little information I have shared from our meeting.

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