Ecency Points and DVS/DHEDGE Rewards on the FreeCompliments Community

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Changes to Ecency Point Utility

    Last month, @ecency made some changes to how Ecency Points would be used. They announced the end of post Boosts as a mechanism, and introduced HP delegations from Ecency instead, which provide 200 HP for various periods of time in exchange for Ecency Points. Promotions remained unchanged, and Ecency promised further use cases for Ecency Points in the future.

    In light of these changes, we can no longer provide Ecency Boosts for specific posts, and this may also change how our users want to interact with Ecency Points, which we award in our monthly contests. At the moment, we’re still keeping our delegation to Ecency so that we can keep collecting them for Promotions, and thus far, we did get a 90 day 200 HP delegation for two of our community accounts (this cost 34,000 Ecency Points in total, which takes us about 33-34 days to collect).

    Thus, we’d like to ask the community: do you still want Ecency Points as part of our monthly awards?

    DVS/DHEDGE Rewards

    DHEDGE is a project that we’ve been involved in for a while, and their DVS and DHEDGE tokens provided a great way to reward some of our members for their posts and our employed members for their work.

    Unfortunately, over the past couple of months their delegations have decreased from >400,000 to <60,000 as a result of various troubles, including improper distribution of DVS rewards when HiveSQL went down, a broken !DHEDGE command (which has gone down multiple times), a declining price of the DVS token, the continuous inflation of DVS tokens required for a declining vote value, and the lack of timely responses by the project’s owner @taskmanager. As someone who’s purchased and collectively staked the largest proportion of circulated DVS tokens into my personal account and several of the FreeCompliments Community’s community accounts, I maintained vested interest in this project’s success. I have not given up on the project – yet.

    However, due to the project’s recent decline, I’d like to know whether the community still finds value in occasional votes from DHEDGE, and specifically whether our employees (specifically, @legendwushu and @crazyphantombr) find value in receiving DVS tokens as part of their payment. This will not only influence current payments, but also the proposed payment systems for our future employees.

    Thus our question for the community is: do you still want to see DHEDGE and DVS as part of our community’s reward system?

    Considerations of Alternative Rewards / Payments

    While we’re currently maintaining our usage of Ecency points and DHEDGE/DVS, in case the community should decide against using them, we must consider potential alternatives to these. For instance, would additional HSBI rewards be a suitable alternative? Would longer Ecency promotions be of interest? How about $LEO or Leo Power as 2nd-layer rewards? Are there any other alternatives we should consider?


    We’ve come to the point when we have to make some decisions about the future of Ecency Points and DVS/DHEDGE as part of our rewards system, as well as possible alternatives. Please let us know what you think – your feedback is going to be highly valuable and essential for the future of this community’s reward system!

    Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

    Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

    Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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