in voilk •  4 months ago


    Mi canal YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7icf_hHaiMJXkjhwkP5h_Q

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    Saludos a todos, aquí les comparto un trabajo instrumental, inspirado en una pequeña historia real que me ocurrió hace días, resulta que una tarde, como hace un mes, estaba en la terraza de mi casa tomando un poco de sol mientras me tomaba un café, sentí una pequeña caricia en mi pie izquierda, al bajar la mirada sorprendido me encontré una pequeña gatita negra, me asuste y me alegre al mismo tiempo, yo no soy de cuidar animales porque temo descuidarlos porque no se nada sobre cómo cuidarlos, pero esta vez fue diferente porque me sentí conectado al animalito, era muy tierna y tranquila, entonces decidí adoptarla, resulta que la gatita había seguido a mi sobrina desde la calle donde jugaba, pero me escogió a mi como su protector, ya que aunque jugara con mi sobrina la gatita siempre me buscaba a mí, a veces se perdía en la terraza de mis casa intentando ir a otras casa pero luego volvía, razón por la cual tuvimos más cuidado, le compramos comida especial para ella y le dimos el tratado adecuado para su salud, pero así como llego de la nada, también tuvo que irse, púes resulta que tenía dueño y tristemente tuve que dejarla, así como pasa en la vida con otras cosas que son difíciles de soltar, no me toco de otra de aceptar que debíamos entregarla, así de ella solo me quedaron unas fotos sencillas que tome en los primeros días, su nombre era PANTERA, hace dos días la volví a ver, pase cerca dela casa del dueño y me dio mucha tristeza al ver que estaba algo descuidada, sintiéndome un poco impotente al ver que no podía hacer nada porque le partencia a otra persona, espero que le pongan cuidado y no la descuiden, de verdad le había tomado mucho afecto y eso que los gatos no son exactamente mi preferencia, pero PANTERA tenía algo especial. Esto me ha llevado a componer esta lineal instrumental llena de sentimientos, ya que hoy la recordé temprano, al ver unos gatitos que pasaban con su mama por los techos de mi vecindario, un beat a 160bpm realizado en FL STUDIO 20, la imagen que representa el logo de un gatito triste, la he generado en el MICROSOFT DESIGNER del navegador que uso llamado MICROSOFT EDGE, intentado recrear la imagen de PANTERA, espero que lo disfruten, más abajo observaran más detalles de este trabajo, un abrazo para todos y gracias por pasar por aquí.





    Greetings to all, here I share with you an instrumental work, inspired by a small true story that happened to me a few days ago. It turns out that one afternoon, about a month ago, I was on the terrace of my house soaking up some sun while having a coffee. , I felt a small caress on my left foot, when I looked down surprised I found a small black kitten, I was scared and happy at the same time, I am not one to take care of animals because I am afraid of neglecting them because I don't know anything about how to take care of them, but this time it was different because I felt connected to the little animal, she was very tender and calm, so I decided to adopt her, it turns out that the kitten had followed my niece from the street where she was playing, but she chose me as her protector, because even though she played with me niece the kitten always looked for me, sometimes she got lost on the terrace of my house trying to go to other houses but then she came back, which is why we were more careful, we bought her special food for her and we gave her the appropriate treat for her health, but just as it came from nowhere, it also had to go, well it turns out that it had an owner and sadly I had to leave it, just as it happens in life with other things that are difficult to let go, I have no choice but to accept that we had to hand her over, so I only had some simple photos of her that I took in the first days, her name was PANTERA, two days ago I saw her again, I passed by the owner's house and it made me very sad to see that she was somewhat neglected, feeling a little helpless to see that I couldn't do anything because she left it to someone else, I hope they take care of her and don't neglect her, I really had grown very fond of her and cats are not exactly my preference, but PANTERA had something special . This has led me to compose this instrumental line full of feelings, since today I remembered it early, when seeing some kittens that were passing with their mother on the roofs of my neighborhood, a beat at 160bpm made in FL STUDIO 20, the image that represents the logo of a sad kitten, I have generated it in the MICROSOFT DESIGNER of the browser that I use called MICROSOFT EDGE, I tried to recreate the image of PANTERA, I hope you enjoy it, below you will see more details of this work, a hug for everyone and thank you for stop by here

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    PLAY en YOUTUBE🎶🔥🎧

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    Algunos fragmentos de la composición - Some fragments of the composition 🎹🎶










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    Herramientas y VST que yo UTILICE - Tools and VST that I USE 🎹🎶:


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    Producido en FL STUDIO

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    Si realmente te gusta mi trabajo musical, te invito a suscribirte a mi canal de YOUTUBE, estaré muy agradecido por tu apoyo❤️🎶

    If you really like my musical work, I invite you to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel, I will be very grateful for your support❤️🎶

    Mi canal YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7icf_hHaiMJXkjhwkP5h_Q

    FOLLOW ME...!!!

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