People are very unkind.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Man is the best creature in creation. Humans are considered to be the best creatures on earth. But in some cases, people do such things or use such things with each other that many people compare people with animals for their use or work. Although there are many reasons to compare humans with animals and almost every one of these reasons has already been demonstrated by humans in the world. How merciless and how cruel people can be can only be understood by the way they treat each other. We may see in real life or on social media that one animal abuses another animal. When he tortures or tortures he shows no mercy, harbors no cruelty in himself, he always imposes on another animal the cruelty hidden within himself. In the same way, sometimes it is observed that people sometimes show animal cruelty to other people which as human beings should never show to each other.


    It is natural for us all to make mistakes as humans. No one in the world is above mistakes, everyone is immersed in mistakes, but at some point, that mistake can be corrected. When that mistake is rectified he becomes a real man. However, it takes a lot of time to develop into a real person, with the passage of time some adverse effects of the surrounding conditions and environment are seen. When a person lives in a civilized society, it is never expected that another person will be harmed by that person. Similarly there are many people who live in civilized society but still cruelty exists among them.

    People can control their anger very rarely. Those who cannot control their anger can never be civil even if they live in a civilized society. Living in a civilized society does not mean that a person is civilized. One such incident happened in front of my eyes a few days ago which made me very emotional and saddened. As humans that is never desirable. In fact, I think it is very important that we change.

    Last 2 to 3 days an elder brother from varsity called me and said that his calculator was taken by some of his friends due to which he has no calculator at present. And a day after that, his exam was Mathematics. My elder brother called me at 2 am and told me to bring the calculator to the university at 6 pm tomorrow as he had an exam at 7:30. Although I needed a calculator but I have two calculators at home so I said ok no problem I will bring you one. I left for the university at five o'clock in the afternoon. I assumed it would take me 20 to 30 more minutes to reach the varsity due to heavy traffic jams. Anyway at Laguna I decided to get off at Farmgate and walk to the university from there.

    Since I had to walk to the university, I sat down at a nearby tong shop to have tea from a single person. Just then I saw a boy running forward from the other side of the framegate and about 15 to 20 boys were chasing him. He is running so hard for his life that it seems he is going to fall on the road while running. Imagine 15 to 20 boys coming to kill you and how would you feel when you are alone there..?? That boy was having such an uncomfortable time. Even though he ran wildly to no avail, after a while they caught him..!!

    Seven to ten boys beat him in the middle of the road in such a way that he felt very bad for himself. 15 to 20 boys are chasing to kill a boy and there is no one to stop them because they are students of the local college there. There is no point in going in front of them, they will kill whoever they find in front of them. For about two to four minutes, they beat him severely, kicking, punching and slapping him for a long time, then suddenly the police came there. The police came and somehow stopped them.

    The boy was sitting there, he was just sitting and begging for no one to hit him again, but who was listening. No one heard his pleas and after consuming myrrh heavily, he walked from there to the front side of the road. This incident happened in front of my eyes, I felt very bad seeing the incident but I could not do anything myself. Today's college students can be so ruthless and cruel. They may not have any love. Maybe there was a problem between them, but if there is a problem, there is no reason to beat someone like that. The matter could have been resolved by talking but they didn't. They have always been on top of that boy. By this they have lost humanity.

    After watching this I couldn't sit there anymore felt so bad so drank half the tea and left the other half. This is the condition of people in today's society who have no kindness or love in their hearts. If someone makes a mistake, they never correct that mistake. People on the other side always have to count the cost of the mistake. But as human beings we should never do this we should always give our humanity to people so that after a time people can love each other. It is possible to gain more people's trust through love than any other medium.

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