in voilk •  3 months ago


    hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja. Greetings all, How is your challenge this time?

    Battle mage Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


    Welcome back to battle mage secret this time here I follow it with enthusiasm and I hope your day is full of blessings, everyone. For this battle, I fought a summoner of the legendary dragon element. here I play it in gold league 2 and let's continue this game. victory is on our side today. (bhaltazar scholarship account)


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    as you can see in the picture above, this is the ruleset for this battle, namely: Fog of War where All units lose the sneak, snipe, and opportunity abilities.
    scattershot still works in this ruleset.


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    The rules I got for this battle are 3, namely: 1.) Fog of War. 2.) Noxious Fumes. and 3.) Explosive Weaponry.
    ( this is the essence of the rules that I entered into this battle in the Splinterlands challenge. 1.) Fog of War: monsters lose the sneak, snipe, and opportunity abilities. 2.) Noxious Fumes: All monsters start the battle poisoned. 3.) Explosive Weaponry: All monsters have blast ability. )

    • this time the rules get 55 manacap
    • There are only 6 elements that can be used, namely: fire, water, life, death and dragon. with that the other 1 elements cannot be used such as ( earth )


    Screenshot 2024-04-20 00.13.50.png

    Click the image to watch this battle live.

    and this is the initial appearance of my battle against my enemy with the summoner element legendary dragon while I use the Balthazar scholarship account with account number 708. and let's continue with my strategy in this battle and here are the cards that I can use in battle.

    strategies are used to win the battle on the blog this time.

    card imageabilityexplanation
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.18.52.png POSSIBILUS THE WISEThis summoner card has the ability:Straight away, the reason I chose this summoner with the water element is the ability it has and the monster cards in it which are very reliable and have a large mana cost, no problem. The important thing is to be able to make the best use of existing manacap.
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.19.34.pngThis monster card has the ability:My first monster card is as usual "DIEMONSHARK" he is a very reliable tank and has a lot of armor almost in proportion to the health he has. Apart from that, he has good stats plus abilities that are very suitable for being a tank in every battle.
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.20.11.png COASTAL SENTRYThis monster card has the ability:My second monster card is "COASTAL SENTRY" he is a monster card with good melee attack stats of course plus his double streak ability adds a plus value for him in this battle. in second place I used him for the reason of the ability given by the summoner so that I could attack my enemy this time.
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.20.43.png KULU MASTERMINDThis monster card has the ability:Monster card number three I chose "KULU MASTERMIND" he is a legendary monster card that is still not maxed. Shield ability is the reason I use him in battles that have rules like this. The fairly high speed is the reason I used him with the confidence that he would be able to survive my enemy's attacks this time.
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.21.28.png XENITH MONKThis monster card has the ability:queue number four I chose a monster card called "XENITH MONK" which is different from the other monster cards. The reason I chose him in this position was his healing ability to slow down my enemy to defeat me in this battle.
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.22.00.png DEEPLURKERThis monster card has the ability:This time, monster card number five I chose "DEEPLURKER" is my monster card with opportunity abilities that I usually rely on. but with the rules this time I use him to reduce my opponent's melee attacks with an ability called demoralize plus being in quite a late position because I want my enemy to last longer by getting the ability that this card gives to the enemy
    Screenshot 2024-04-20 20.22.31.png DRYBONE RAIDERThis monster card has the ability:and this is the last monster card that I am relying on in this battle. his name is "DRYBONE RAIDER" which is the only monster card that has a range attack in this battle. the reason I use him in battle is that it is quite short or only the range attack ability is what I use. instead I can attack with 2 monster cards with the abilities given by my summoner this time. I hope he can help well enough to attack behind my strategy this time.


    You can see my battle live here or you can watch it on my YouTube video below, don't forget to like, subscribe and share. If you can't play it, you can continue reading this blog and see pictures of my battle in the continuation of this blog below.


    ronde 1

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    ronde 2

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    ronde 3

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    ronde 4

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    ronde 5

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    ronde 6

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    ronde 7

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    and finally I win.

    the battles are quite exciting and tense. Looking at my opponent's strategy at the start, I was still thinking positively about winning or at least being able to draw. There are quite a lot of monster cards used by my enemies this time that have great abilities with summoners that are not quite right in my opinion. I am quite superior with the help of my summoner's abilities and can attack with all my attacks almost 4x in one round. For more details, you can see it above.

    I win and got +20 points and +5,7 sps in this battle
    that's my suggestion. Use the strategy that you think is best and don't forget to have fun.



    Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.


    • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
    • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
    • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterland
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