Blossoms in Adversity | Capturing Beauty Amidst Smog

in voilk •  4 months ago

    สีฟ้า ทางทะเล งานแต่งงาน หน้าปกเฟซบุ๊ก.png

    Hello everyone

    Today was a day filled with reverence and tradition as I had the chance to visit the Phawo Shrine, a place deeply respected by the locals of Tak Province. In every village around here, you'll find a shrine dedicated to Chao Pho Phawo, acting as a spiritual center for the community. My journey took me to the Chao Pho Phawo shrine along the Mon Saw Lek Fai trail. It sits atop a hill along Mae Sot Road, surrounded by the beauty of nature.



    Perched atop a hill, overlooking the serene landscape, sat the Chao Pho Phawo Shrine—a simple pavilion with a powerful presence. At its entrance, an assortment of statues greeted visitors, each carrying its own significance in local tradition. Standing tall was a rooster, symbolizing watchfulness and protection. Beside it, an elephant represented strength and wisdom, while a proud horse embodied determination. However, it was the soldier statue that drew the most attention—a tribute to Chao Pho Phawo himself, the esteemed protector of the northern border.

    Chao Pho Phawo's bravery and dedication had earned him the admiration of the people, who revered him for safeguarding their homeland. It was this deep respect that led locals to offer prayers and gifts at the shrine, seeking his continued guidance and blessings.



    In front of the Chao Pho Phawo Shrine stretches a broad road leading to Mae Sot District, Phop Phra District, and Umphang District. Along the median of this road lies an island adorned with blooming Kalpapruek trees, their vibrant blossoms adding a touch of natural beauty to the thoroughfare.

    Maintained meticulously by the local authorities, the road remains in pristine condition, a testament to the care and pride taken in preserving the area's infrastructure. During the summer months, both sides of the road come alive with the colorful blooms of the Kalpapruek trees, creating a picturesque scene that captivates all who pass by.




    As unfortunate as it is, a thick blanket of toxic smog now obscures the once-clear skies, casting a pall over the landscape. The vibrant Kanlapaphruek flowers, which typically bloom in late February, are now beginning to wither prematurely. Normally, their blossoms grace the area until the end of April before fading away, but now, they're starting to lose their color, turning a pale white as they prepare to wilt.

    The looming threat of pollution has accelerated their decline, robbing the surroundings of their natural splendor and leaving behind a somber reminder of the environmental challenges faced by the region. As the flowers fade prematurely, their untimely demise serves as a poignant symbol of the urgent need for measures to combat pollution and protect the delicate balance of nature.





    Despite the challenges posed by the smog and the premature withering of the Kanlapaphruek flowers, beauty still persisted in the midst of adversity. Determined to capture this fleeting splendor, I paused to photograph the remaining blooms, each petal a testament to resilience in the face of hardship. With each click of the camera, I immortalized moments of fleeting beauty, preserving them as a reminder of nature's enduring grace even in the most trying of times. Though the sky may be shrouded in haze and the flowers may be fading, their inherent beauty still shines through, a testament to the resilience of life itself.

    As I reluctantly bid farewell to the Chao Pho Phawo Shrine and its surroundings, I carried with me not only memories captured in photographs but also a renewed appreciation for the fleeting yet profound beauty that graces our world, even in moments of adversity. Heading back to my sister's house, I held onto the hope that one day, the smog would clear, and the Kanlapaphruek flowers would bloom once more in all their resplendent glory.




    Thank you for your support



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