Panic while I couldn't exit my ThorChain LPs

in voilk •  5 months ago

    After a long time, more than few years, I wanted to exit my Liquidity Positions from ThorChain. The returns were quite nice and the trigger for me to do that was the sunset of the Binance Beacon Chain where I had LPs in the form of AVA:RUNE and BNB:RUNE. I was using Trust Wallet, so I went ahead and tried to liquidate my positions and get my tokens out of them. And here is where the fun begins as I started to get failure after failure and soon panic surrounded me from every corner.


    Panic Stage

    So the first thing I did was to try exiting my LPs over and over again with the same result. At this stage panic was overwhelming me with each retry and my mind was trying to get used with the fact that I might lose most of my assets from the pool. This would have been a heavy hit as I was in the LPs for more than 2 years and I had locked a significant number of assets there.

    Contact Support

    While I was still trying to be rational about what I was doing, I figured out that I need help and that I need to contact support. For this purpose I went to ThorSwap Discord chat and opened a ticket there, while asking around about my problem. This could have been a mistake as many scammers tried to approach me under the false helping hand. But the official ticket was there on Discord and I was still waiting for a response to it.

    Debug Issue

    After few hours, somebody write me on the Ticket in Discord and the first things was to ask me if I know to work with Developer Tools in Chrome. As I knew that, I've tried again to exit my LPs and this time I could get some more information on the error that was happening behind the scene: "Error: Broadcasting transaction failed with code 4 (codespace: sdk). Log: signature verification failed; please verify account number (12299), sequence (11) and chain-id (thorchain-mainnet-v1): unauthorized".

    Chat Discussion

    I provided this information back to support and luckily they knew what was the problem. Here is a snapchat from that.
    Support Agent — Yesterday at 9:10 PM ok are you using trustwallet on android?
    Me — Yesterday at 9:10 PM yes
    Support Agent — Yesterday at 9:10 PM ok its a known issue
    Me — Yesterday at 9:10 PM oh...that's good 2 know... and a solution for it?
    Support Agent — Yesterday at 9:10 PM best to export to keystore / xdefi and just iwhtdraw or wait until trustwallet patches their deployment

    Wallet Issue

    As the issues was with Trust Wallet and waiting for a fix from their side might be time consuming, I just moved to XDeFi and I've recreated the wallet using the seed phrases. Amazingly that went pretty smooth and in a few minutes I had my XDeFi wallet up and working. With that I went back to ThorSwap Finance app and succeeded to exit all my LP positions.


    With the sunset of Binance Beacon Chain, I've moved my related assets to Travala website (OLD AVA which was on BEP2 was automatically converted as AVA on Ethereum) and to Binance (BNB from BEP2 was automatically converted to regular BNB and I could use the assets). The saga finished with this and I was happy that I retrieved my assets and than some from the returns in the LP. But this proves that we need to manage our assets, that takes time, but we'd better do it at the right moment in time!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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