My Antidote for Depression #181

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings to the lovely ladies of Hive, wishing you all a joyful weekend. I wanted to contribute to last week's contest because addressing depression is crucial for women's well-being and longevity. Sadly, I've witnessed women take extreme measures, such as suicide or jumping into a lagoon, because they couldn't manage their emotions. Whether it emerges before marriage or during, depression is a serious issue that must not be ignored.

    ***Let me share my perspective on what depression entails.

    Depression often manifests as a blend of anxiety, sadness, and irritability, leaving you feeling directionless and unmotivated. You may find yourself wanting to act but feeling paralyzed by indecision, ultimately doing nothing. These feelings can stem from toxic relationships, stress, or challenging life circumstances.
    I'd like to share a bit about my journey with depression. While I've experienced its symptoms before, nothing compared to when I faced it during my first pregnancy out of wedlock. I was ostracized from my home, my friends avoided me, and my only confidant was my boyfriend.

    Even my own parents shocked me by kicking me out when they couldn't bear it anymore. Left alone with my thoughts, I spiraled into depression, exacerbated by people's reactions. But I made a decision to confront it head-on, though the path wasn't easy. That's when I realized how stress can fuel depression too. When stress levels soar, emotions become overwhelming, yet the reality remains unchanged. It's up to us to handle these challenges wisely, even in the midst of depression.

    Many women spend a lot of time thinking during depression, and while thinking isn't inherently bad, it's crucial to focus on positive thoughts and finding solutions to your situation. Don't dwell too much on mood swings; the greatest gift you can give yourself is finding happiness amidst depression. I've learned to cultivate a positive mindset towards depression.

    My boss unexpectedly sent me to deposit a large sum of money in the bank alone, which was unusual as such tasks usually require a driver and another person. Despite feeling uneasy, I complied and rushed to the bank. Before stashing the money in my bag, I attempted to count it, but my boss insisted it was unnecessary, claiming urgency for an online transaction. In haste, I delivered the money to the bank, only for the cashier to discover it was ₦50,000 short. I asked her to recount, but the total remained the same. Worried, I searched my bag and purse for any holes or missing cash, but found nothing. Eventually, I deposited the money and returned to the office perplexed.

    I endured being called names like a thief and a liar, shedding tears in front of my colleagues but remaining silent because only few believed what i said. I insisted to my boss that I deposited the exact amount given to me, as counted by the cashier. However, I was threatened with a salary deduction or resignation, leaving me speechless. Depression crept in as I struggled to defend myself, and some of my coworkers began treating me differently.

    Feeling physically and emotionally drained by the unjust accusations, I recalled past hardships and resolved not to let worry consume me. The following day, I stayed home from work to care for myself, despite feeling unwell. By noon, I received a call from a friend informing me that my boss had been trying to reach me. At last, the truth emerged through an audit, confirming that the cashier's count was accurate. I could finally breathe a sigh of relief as my expenses were reimbursed, and I was compensated for the ordeal. Life resumed its course. So if i had gone extra miles to pay attention to depression it would have cost me more.

    To all women facing depression challenges, remember not to let depression steal your happiness. Seek joy amidst the pain, knowing that with time, things will improve.

    Thank you for reading, and I wish you all a wonderful week ahead!

    All images in this content belongs to me.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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