Still Alive - 18.04.2024 (EN / ES)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Good morning Friends of the living!

    How was your day yesterday? How was mine?

    Well, better than the last one, a little clearer. I feel that it feels good to walk again every day. I spend many hours in front of the PC and with the disorganization I have lately, I have missed a little my daily dose of fresh air.

    Well here is the proof that yesterday I was still alive ;)

    Buenos días Amigos de los vivos!

    Que tal os ha ido ayer el día? El mio?

    Bueno, mejor que el anterior, algo mas claro. Noto que me sienta bien volver a caminar cada día. Paso muchas horas delante del PC y con la desorganización que tengo ultimamente, se me ha pasado un poco mi dosis de aire libre diaria.

    Bueno aqui va la prueba que ayer seguía vivo ;)

    Thank you :)

    I am everyday live on twitch, click below on the link and come say hi, and that your from hive :)


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    Odysee Neshk_TV

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