The College Illusion

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.- Malcon X

    The educational system in my country has been structured in such a way that you start learning right from a tender age, mostly from the age of 2 upwards. In my case, I started schooling at the age of 1 because my parents were the busy type. I think it was an advantage for me to start schooling at that age though.

    I loved school very much but when I think about it, our educational system leaves us with little to no time to ourselves. I can say I’ve spent about 80% of my life so far in a classroom. I get that schooling is good but what if I want a one year break to just sit in my parents house and rest. Like my parents were even going to hear that.

    Now, to the interesting part, when I got into senior high school which was an all girls school, I was younger than most of my mates and I didn’t even know all of the stuff most of them knew(if you know what I mean). I was very innocent then and the girls I was sitting with were always talking about boys and all of that. Innocent me would just sit there minding my business. Sometimes I would also join to listen to their stories. There was a time two of my classmates fought because one claimed the other had stolen her boyfriend. I was like ‘Eih’ in my head.😂

    Nhaji in senior high- don’t laugh🙂

    To make things worse one of our male teachers walked in during that particular fight. Even with him around these two girls wouldn’t stop fighting. It was that serious.😂 Since that incident , this teacher of ours would always advice us during his lessons and one thing he would always tell us was ‘focus on your books now because when you go to university all the nice guys will be there’. And to even make things worse, when we come to school late he would tell us to come early so that we can study and pass because when we get to the university we could sleep all we want, go to lectures when we feel like and do whatever we want.

    Guys, they lied to us.😭 I agree that in university there’s more freedom as compared to senior high but it’s not as easy as it looks. You can’t even miss classes because you’re constantly trying to keep your grades up. And oh, there were so many guys but you wouldn’t even have time for them because it’s everyone for himself, God for us all.😂

    Thinking that I actually believed all of those things this teacher said to us in high school is even funny. I should have known better but the good thing is, it also helped keep most of us on track because who didn’t want to go experience all of these great things we were being told happened in the university.😂

    All images belong to me.

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