Weekly Silver Report - The Retest

in voilk •  2 months ago


    This weekly report is coming a little early due to recent market action. Last week, silver breached a $30 per ounce barrier that had been in place for several years.

    Last week I wrote:

    Weekly Silver Report - From the Churn to the Burn

    Well that "sometime in the future" showed up today as silver dropped to a LOW of $30.27 per ounce starting the Retest of the $30 per ounce level.

    As far as I am concerned this is great!


    Simple. If we are about to see a multi-year "Bull Market" in silver this is a perfect set up to signal the beginning of a beautiful run.


    The starting line is at $30 per ounce. The key is whether silver breaks down right here and now. If you are bullish on silver then you do not want to see a break below $26.25. If silver breaks below this level then all we had was a false start.

    A retest of the $30 per ounce and some sideways movement followed by a breach of the recent HIGH of $32.75 then we have the ingredients for a wonderful run in silver.

    All I am saying is pay attention, filter out the noise, and watch the price action.

    source: JM Bullion

    The premium on American Eagles remains around $7 per ounce.


    Peace out and Stack On!

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