Must complete the Nugget Bridge battles
This is a play through of Pokemon Blue by using RetroArch to emulate the game. I am randomising the Pokemon in areas with similar strength so it isn't completely randomised, while choosing three starters of similar types
Goliath continues with Nugget Bridge trainer battles so he can clear the path forward. First was the third trainer who brought out a Pidgey to see what could be done to stop him, some damage was done to Venonat before the Pidgey went down, so this was a good start since Pidgey got quicker attacks out first.
It was a bit tougher going up against the Dratini in which the health got lower on Venonat before a potion was used, giving it enough time to get the tackles out for a victory against Dratini and level nineteen was achieved for a stronger Venonat.
Last up was the tougher looking Spearow with it's mean streak, Venonat would have been defeated or Goliath thought so.. Grimer was a much better choice though and using pound multiple times only saw Grimer taking a small amount of damage, before Spearow was defeated and half of the Nugget Bridge trainers were defeated now.
Fourth in this group of battles was a Lass showing up with a higher level Pidgey taken out by a Grimer to see it gain level sixteen and be closer to fainting.
For the Ekans though it was a fight for Dratini to battle it out, with both using wrap as the main move. Fortunately the Dratini has too much more power and could easily out last the Ekans.
When it came to number five and his bragging about stomping Goliath in this battle, it was a tougher Grimer being brought out as his only Pokemon.
His Grimer was not as strong with the pound attacks as Goliath's was and after a hectic battle of the Grimer's, well another win was there and this was the five Nugget Bridge trainers beaten with relative ease.
At the end of the bridge stood a Team Rocket member who gave a gold Nugget as the prize for defeating all the trainers. He was trying to recruit Goliath into Team Rocket, promising he will love it and would do well working for them but upon refusal, a battle took place as a last minute attempt at persuading him.
This battle started off with a nicer leveled Geodude that would unfortunately meet its maker. Squirtle used bubble a few times for a quick and easy win over it and gaining level twelve at the same time.
Unfortunately the Spearow that followed with its fury attack was just way too powerful for Squirtle to have any chance against.. but that's okay since it already gained a level.
What was surprising though was the Dratini which had been brought out to finish Spearow, was in fact the one being beaten and it showed how powerful this Spearow really was. Grimer had to finish it off with a pound used and a victory to finish off this Nugget Bridge full set of trainer battles, to be able to go heal before heading towards Bills place!
Just before he made his way to heal on up and while Goliath had Pokemon to be used still, the grass nearby was checked out which first had an Abra that used teleport to escape, elusive bastard! Also a Nidorino which wasn't wanted at this time and was defeated for some experience and a nice level seventeen was reached on Grimer but no new moves yet.
But soon after this was going to be nice. A Graveler was found and able to be caught here, followed by the next Abra with a lucky poke ball throw to catch it. One final one found before getting out of the grass, a Vulpix and possibly one to be used soon, well it was caught too and this made Goliath happy to grow the collection of caught Pokemon.
Emulator used: RetroArch with a Gameboy Colour core
ROMS: Pokemon Blue after being put through the randomiser
Saving: (Used for quick loading and for getting back to before I had all Pokemon faint, if I lose and so it is quicker.)
This was Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Nine
Stay tuned to see how I go with leveling, what team I am using and my journey as I progress through Pokemon Blue.
You can find Pokemon Blue Venonat Starter - Part Eight here
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